Cloth Diapering

I think DS has an ammonia rash. Now what?

So we've been CDing for a year and DS has his first real diaper rash. He's also teething pretty bad. I've been putting Aveeno diaper rash cream and sposies on him, but it has only spread. So then I thought it was yeast, but it doesn't look like the descriptions of a yeast rash. It is flat and circular and looks dry...maybe like a rug burn. 

So today I let him air out a lot and stripped his diapers. I have a front loader HE machine, so I know I may have to strip them again. 

So, my question is what do I do to treat the actual rash? I regularly use Grandma El's, but it doesn't seem to be working. I have some CJ's so I'll try that tomorrow. Does this even sound like an ammonia rash or could it just be from him teething? He doesn't want me touching his bottom, so I know it is hurting him. I'm just getting frustrated and would appreciate any suggestions.  

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Re: I think DS has an ammonia rash. Now what?

  • In my experience ammonia rash is "blistery"

     could be a teething rash. Either way I'd give him some naked time and keep up with the diaper cream. Colloidal oatmeal baths help too. 

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  • Oh! Oatmeal baths! I didn't think of that. Thanks!
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  • When my DS was about 14months old, he cut all 4 of his eye teeth at once, and he was rashy for literally a month! So this rash could very well be from teething! It was extremely frusterating! I found that desitin worked the best, so I often used desitin with sposies at night, and CJ's during the day with CDs. I would get his rash all cleared, and then he would have a big poop and the rash would come immediatly back. I bleached and stripped all my diapers to be safe, but it was definitly caused by the teething. Good luck, hopefully you can get this cleared up!

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  • imageefs83:

    When my DS was about 14months old, he cut all 4 of his eye teeth at once, and he was rashy for literally a month! So this rash could very well be from teething! It was extremely frusterating! I found that desitin worked the best, so I often used desitin with sposies at night, and CJ's during the day with CDs. I would get his rash all cleared, and then he would have a big poop and the rash would come immediatly back. I bleached and stripped all my diapers to be safe, but it was definitly caused by the teething. Good luck, hopefully you can get this cleared up!

    This makes me feel so much better. Thanks! I hope this passes soon. I've been letting him go naked or coverless and I'm constantly getting peed on.  

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