Working Moms


I know, I know, it's WAY too early to even be thinking about this, but I AM!  Haha so I thought I'd ask... have you thought about what to dress your LO up as for Halloween this year??

Also, do you usually dress up too? If so, do you do a family theme or do you all dress up as whatever you want?

Re: Halloween

  • I feel a bit late in thinking about Halloween. I usually am on top of Halloween the beginning of August with a costume idea for DS.

    This time I think I was debating our budget in my head and having DS recycle his costume from last year since it could still fit him this year.

    I asked my mom to make the costume which she told my sister. My mom and sister have decided to make the costume together. DS is going to be Nemo.

    I have not dressed up in years since high school. Costumes cost a lot and I don't really have anywhere to go to require a costume but it would be fun to dress up.

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  • I love Nemo :)

    Last year DH and I just wore all back and painted our faces like skeletons and sprayed our hair white. Then we took DS around the neighborhood trick-or-treating. It was awesome! Two years ago we alll dressed up like characters from the Wizard of Oz. I was Dorothy, DH was Tin Man and DS was the cowardly lion. hahaha it was so much fun! So now I want to do something like that again, but not sure what!

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  • We always imagine ourselves costumed as a family oriented theme to match DS but we never spend money on costumes for us.

    In this case DH could be Marlin and I could dress as Dori.

    Last year, DS was a hamburger and I told DH we should be a soft drink and french fries. We never dressed up that year either.

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  • Any idea what you are going to dress up? What is your little one going to dress up?

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  • DS is old enough to vocalize what he wants to be, and he wants to be Batman, so DH and I are making him an old school (Adam West) Batman costume. Not sure if DH and I will dress up.
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  • DS is going to be Max from where the wild things are!

    DH and I aren't dressing up. I went all out with a theme last year (Wizard of Oz) but it was SO freaking cold that I couldn't wear my costume so I didn't bother this year. 

  • DS wants to be Mickey Mouse this year. DH and I dress up because my sister has an adult part every year. We don't normally dress together.
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  • DD2 will be a zebra recycled from her older sis.  I want DD1 to be a pirate but I bet she'll want to be a princess...again, so more than likely she'll be a princess.
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  • Before I got pregnant I was thinking DS would be Jake, I could be Izzy and DH was going to be Captain Hook. But now that I am pg, I thought a pg Izzy would not be I'm good taste. Lol.

     I think DS is going to be Captain American or Buzz Light year.  I ordered this shirt for me!

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  • I did notice a few families did a family theme, DH and I are just not into that.  I'd love to do a theme with DD and DS, I was thinking super girl/super baby, but she's 2 1/2 and can say what she wants now and she has her heart set on being Rapunzel.  I'll look for a little lizard costume for DS but I'm not sure if I'll use it because alot of people are probably not familiar with the chameleon in Rapunzel and I'll probably have him in the carrier so I'd like him to be something that you can tell when 1/2 of his body is covered.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Teterboro 5K 7/16/11 23:22 Tenafly 5K 6/5/11 26:48 1st in age group and stroller division Teterboro 5K 7/17/10 24:42 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/25/10 28:18 4 1/2 weeks pp Teterboro Airport 5K 7/18/09 22:35 3rd place age group 4 1/2 weeks pregnant Long Branch 1/2 5/3/09 1:51:07 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/26/09 22:22 NJEA 5K 11/7/08 22:30 2nd place age group Westchester 1/2 10/12/08 1:50:16 Teterboro Airport 5K 7/19/08 23:43 Long Branch 1/2 5/4/08 1:54:18 Giant Stadium 5K 4/26/08 error in timing Hackensack 5K 10/14/07 23:55 1st place in age group
  • I want to make DS's costume, so I have already started putting things together. He is going to be Mickey Mouse. I can't find a pattern, so I'm piecing it together from a few different patterns. I hope it turns out okay.

    DH and I dress up if we have a party to go to. I think we have one this year so we are going as 20s flapper/gangster. My sister is a costume designer for a college and has the flapper costume, so that's how we came up with the idea.  I like to dress up but don't like spending a lot of money.

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  • I don't know what we're going to do with DD this Halloween.  We bought a Cupcake costume last year on sale, but it's too big for her (I think!).  We'll have to try it on...

    DH has never dressed up (10 years now) but I have a gypsy costume I put together last year.  I dress up every year only because I'm a teacher.

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  • Two years ago(DD's first Halloween), we did a family theme - DD was a bee, I was a flower, and DH was a beekeeper.  The following year, DD was a duck - DH and I didn't dress up.  This year, DD wants to be a ladybug - no idea what DH and I are doing.
  • He's going as Max from Where the Wild Things Are. I'm not dressing up, unless I can say I'm the mom from the book...

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  • I usually dress up, but I haven't come up with anything yet. Dh is usually out with the fire truck, so that's his costume, the turn out gear. Costco had the turn out gear and helmet, so I got that for K. S is going to be a skunk. T is wearing my friend' lengha/top and saree, it's going to be a fancyass princess costume. E is wearing her hip hop recital costume, it's punk with a tutu. And L said he'll either be a zombie or wear his tshirt that says, " I don't do costumes. Now back up, you're standing on my invisible dog. 

  • I just had my kids in a baby parade at the shore, so we are going to reuse those costumes for Halloween- DD is a mermaid and DS is a lobster.  DH and I have a fish and a shark hat, so we'll probably put those on.

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  • DD2 will be a monkey, which is what DD1 was for her first Halloween. DD1 keeps telling me that she wants to be ogre Fiona (from Shrek). I think it's kind of awesome and wonderful that she'd rather be ogre Fiona than one of the Disney princesses. She also tells me that Daddy will be Shrek and I'll be Puss in Boots. In reality, I don't see my husband and I dressing up.
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  • DD wants to be a princess.  So I have a feeling this will be the first of many years with princess costumes.
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  • DD has decided she wants to be Mickey Mouse.  Not Minnie, mind you, but Mickey.  So I just have to find a black sweatshirt and some red shorts to go over her black leggings.  Easy!  Oh, and maybe some yellow shoes.
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    DD: 6/21/10
    DS: 10/11/14
  • I already got DD's costume. She will be a unicorn. I will probably not dress up this year unless I decide to get this terrifying unicorn mask that I found on Amazon.
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  • just thought of this last night, and i think ll be dressing up my kid as dora since she has the bangs to boot.

    i could be a big dora as well :) joke

    i love you, my little mooncake mahal kita
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