I love the name Emily, but get annoyed that I see it on EVERY top baby name list from the last ten years. I don't want her to be one of a bunch that end up in the same kindergarten class some day. I've considered Amelia, which is a german version of Emily, but also worry that it may be a bit odd? I'm pretty set on Grace as a middle name, which works well with either.
Anyone else have trouble commiting to a name they love because it is number one on all the baby name lists??
Re: Struggling with popular name
My name was number 1 on the name list the year I was born and didn't run into too many problems ever with it (Jessica in 1980) and my DH's name is Jacob (which has been #1 or 2 forever). There's only 2 Emily's that I know of in my kids schools (elementary & middle school). I wouldn't let it bother you too much. It also depends a lot on where you live. Olivah and Emma are super popular around us right now, but haven't seen a new baby named Emily in a long time.
My DS is named Aiden and the Aiden, Cayden, Jayden craze is pretty common with his age group, but he's the only one in his class and there's one Cayden in the class above him, so we haven't really seen any issues with it either. Again, think it depends on where you live a lot.
As for Amelia, I thought of it at first, but then my 6 year old son heard the name on tv one day and said "I don't like that name, don't name our baby it!" When I asked why, he said Amelia Bedelia is too silly and don't name our baby something silly. I hadn't even made that connection until then!
Amelia's been in the top 100 for nearly decade and is currently a top-25 name in half of the states. In fact, it's so popular that I wouldn't recommend using it if Emily is the name you really love. Just use Emily.
I hesitate to offer some less popular options because I am sort of shocked by the idea that Amelia could be considered strange. If Amelia is pushing the limits of your comfort zone, just use Emily.
Baby Name Popularity by State
I found this list on Nameberry.com that might be helpful.
I haven't been through the list myself, but there might be some similar names that you love.
1/12/13 DD was born
4/9/16 DS was born
9/17 CP
6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19
I don't have trouble with names because they are number one, because I don't love names that are number one.
Look at the SSA name chart and start looking at 50+. You'll find something.
BFP #2 - 3/2/13 * DS1 - BORN ON EDD - 11/13/13
BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15
This. Also, I have only met one Amelia in my life. She is 25 and from CA, if location matters.
All of this.
You might want to look up the popularity rating in your state. Some names are very popular nationwide, but much lower on the list in your state. I don't know any babies named Emily, but two named Amelia.
Of the baby names I have seen locally in the last several years, Amelia is way more common than Emily.
I knew three Amelias born in the same year.
BFP 11/09 - DD 7/10 - BFP 8/11 - M/C 9/11 - BFP 6/12 - DD - 2/13
Emily is a classic, traditional name. I'd go with it. I don't think there's anything wrong with having a common name. In my opinion it's more annoying when you pick a popular name that is also trendy! Which is exactly what I think Amelia is. It's become extremely popular. I think you have the same chance of having an Amelia or Emily in DD's class.
Go with what you love and disregard the name list. Good luck!
Doctor Who fan butting in - another nn for Amelia is Amy. Though if you like Amy, you would probably just use it instead of Emily or Amelia.