
English majors/good writers, anyone???

I just started school yesterday after 16 plus years...well I took Psych last semester, scored an A, however, I'm not great but no too bad either when it comes to English.  However, as of now, I'm completely lost!  I can't write a good paper (i.e. - my most powerful experience in life, detail it, why or why not, etc.).  BUT this teacher wants us to write just one or two paragraphs due tomorrow on an endangered species.  We have to pick one and pretend we are them and how we feel.  Our thouhgts, fears, anything goes.  She is not grading it, but just wants to see our style.  I have NO clue where to even start.  Yes, I can pick any endangered animal...That is the easy party, but what I feel, etc. -- pretend to be them!  I have not clue where to begin!  Any ideas??!!

Re: English majors/good writers, anyone???

  • Oops, to clarify I meant I can write a good paper!!  :)  Sorry for errors.  Mind is racing fast and so are my fingers!
  • I would just really think about how you (as a human) would feel if you were endangered....if your food was limited, if people were hunting you, if the weather was too hard for you to handle, if you could not find a mate and make a family, and if your "home" was deteriorating.

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  • That's the kind of writing assignments I was always good at :) If they had offered it before I graduated, I would have had a creative writing minor on top of my english major and linguistics minor :)

    the first thing to do is pick an animal. Then do a google image search to see what its habitat looks like. Why is it endangered? Is it coming back or are numbers still decreasing?

    I'd write an example, but I'm at work and I have my own writing to do, LoL. good luck! Just have fun with it!

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  • Thank you all!  I'm interested in doing it on the Siberian Tiger so I just have to plot my thoughts using your wonderful suggestions!  Thanks again! :)
  • image2lovelyboys:
    Thank you all!nbsp; I'm interested in doing it on the Siberian Tiger so I just have to plot my thoughts using your wonderful suggestions!nbsp; Thanks again! :

    That's a cool assignment. I agree that habitat is important. You can even pick the zoo as a home. Then your tiger could talk about his interactions with the zoo keepers, the loneliness, the food, memories prior to being captured or being born in the zoo, interaction with humans, and maybe dreaming of escape. If you wanted to add some humor I bet you can even discuss the tiger's forced "setup" with another tiger and how he/she has better standards. I'm getting carried away. Good luck and have fun!
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  • Mrs.Codemom!  Awesome idea!  Thank you tons!! 
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