
dh just called me about a co worker of his

I will preface this by saying he did mention that she is a very large woman.  She called in sick today a said she would be out for a while because...She had a baby last night and never knew she was pregnant!!  Dh is just dumb struck by this.  After all, there are quite a few ways to know even if weight gain isn't an issue. 

I hope that baby is OK, with no pre natal care at all.

Re: dh just called me about a co worker of his

  • There is a show called "I didn't know I was pregnant"  I forget what channel its on.  I haven't watched it yet but I recorded it and am going to watch it tonight.  I honestly don't know how this happens so I'm very curious to see the show.
  • funny you should post this--I met a woman in the store last week who started chatting with S. She told me that she has a 2.5 year old and a 14 month old--or something like that--anyway the kids were so close in age.

    I made a comment, wow that is great that they are so close in age...she said..."well, I never even knew I was pg so she came as quite a surprise!" ?as in your DH's co-workers case, she was a very large woman but GOD, how do you not know???

    If I hadn't known I was pg I would have though I was terminally ill. I had such horrendous m/s in the beginning it was HORRIBLE! I just don't got do you not know...I mean you miss your period for that long and don't start thinking...hmmmm, something's going on here????

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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  • A girl I work with has a friend that didn't know she was pregnant until a month before her due date.  She went to the doctor for stomach pains and that's when she found out!!
    Liam is 5!
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  • I wouldn't have known I was pregnant if I wasn't gaining weight or missing AF.  I had no symptoms and never felt sick..........some women bleed a little even when pregnant so I guess that was her case, and if she felt otherwise fine then who knows.  I hope the baby is ok too. 

  • oh and I forgot to say this lady went into labor, went to the hospital b/c she thought there was a "medical emergency" then the doctor came out and told her "you're in labor." ?seeing as this was her second child the whole thing strikes me as so odd.
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • I know a lot of obese people do not get a period any more.
  • I watched the show - it was on TLC. It is very common for overweight women to miss periods, not have them or for them to be very come and go. 


    I didn't know I was pg until about 4.5 months into it.  I had no morning sickness and had gained about 3 pounds which happened to coincide with the Nov/Dec holidays.  I had a backache that lasted for 2 days and went to my doctor who then gave me a pg test.  I had always had very irregular periods - usually with 4 to 6 months in between so missing my period was never a sign of pg to me.

    I also have an overweight friend who had a tumor the size of a football in her uterus - she had been her OBGYN 2 weeks prior to her ER visit where that doctor diagnosed and found the tumor. Because she was overweight to begin with - there was no visible outward sign of something that large in her uterus.

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