Hi everyone! I have an 8 month old baby girl, and we recently found out we are expecting number 2 in April. It was really difficult with DD since we were both on college budgets at the time, and I feel like we are just barely starting to break even with bills. DH is going back to school full time this week, and I just made the transition to SAHM... I guess I'm just hoping I'm not the only one out there that is so nervous about adding to our family again so soon. Anyone out there with advice or experiences?
Re: Officially in panic-mode
I can totally understand that. We are a little further apart but the anxiety is still there financially. Hubby makes a great living and is guaranteed a substantial raise and bonus in Jan and Feb but we still worry about money (covering all bills, children's needs and some wants, medical bills (we have to pay $5k out of pocket for to meet our insurance deductible), emergency fund, savings, debt -which we are paying off when the bonus comes, etc). I've found sticking to budgets and really keeping an eye on spending (especially eating out and extra spending) is helpful. I have a strict grocery budget each week, know how much I spend on diapers each month, gas, dog food, roughly what utilities will get each month if they change, mortgage and cars are fixed bills which is nice. I've been researching creative ways of cutting spending and maximizing recipes for cooking and freezing, making my own detergent (so much cheaper and I hear better), any little easy ways to help the household. We are doing a clothes swap with some friends that are due a month or two after me and reusing most of daughter's baby stuff (purchasing a few things that need replacing and his furniture) but really trying to keep spending down (yeah, little man will have a purple bumbo, but that is life! LOL). We have become so much more aware of our spending, deals, what we can and cannot live without since having children. We just plan to continue that and try to pass what we learn on to our children. Wish you lots of luck, I'm sure you will find your way and make it work