Two Under 2

7 month old, 9 weeks pregnant, working from home!

OK. I am 9 weeks pregnant and have a 7 month old... so the babies will only 13.5 months apart. 

I also work from home doing dog boarding AND run a dog rescue. These are very time consuming and hands on jobs. It's extremely hard doing this with my 7 month old as it is. I am panicking trying to figure out how in the world will I manage a new born and 1 1/2 year old, as well as running these businesses alone AND getting any house work done???? 

My husband  works all day and is tired when he gets home. My mother only wants to sit and hold babies so she is no help when it comes to chores. I have no friends that live close anymore. I truley feel like a single parent the majority of the time. 

Daycare isn't a option as we can not afford it nor can I find another job as we only have 1 car. This is a very stressful situation I find myself in. It's hard enough being so very tired in the first trimester and getting ZERO rest with everything else going on.



Re: 7 month old, 9 weeks pregnant, working from home!

  • Could you get a job working evenings and/or weekends so your DH can watch the children while you work and avoid paying for DC?

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  • My work situation is too unique to layout quickly, but I have some similarities. Some quick ideas...

    Take advantage of you mom's baby holding! It may not be all the help you'd hoped for, but it is something.  

    Employ a mothers' helper for a few hours a week. Homeschooling families w/ preteens or teens may be open to this during day time hours.

    For housework, look out of the box for someone to hire or barter services with. (e.g. Someone w/ mild special needs may be able to clean w. supervision for an affordable--but fair-- rate. We hire my SN sister for 4 hours a month to clean. She loves the extra cash. We love the help w/ dishes, etc.)

    Join moms groups now for emotional support. It sounds like you need some friends to share your heart with.

    Cut all non-essential costs. Post your budget on the Nest Money Matters board and get outside perspective.

    Learn to baby-wear if you don't already. It will help keep your hands freer to take care of all the other things you need to.

    Brainstorm w. DH. It sound like some things have to change. It may be his job or yours or bills or other things.

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  • Well first I'd say cut the dog rescue since I'm sure that doesn't pay well and is very time consuming. Second don't stress too much now it will be ok!!!
    You will be very tired and so will dh but you both will have to step up and it will work. Also I know some on this board disagree but it's ok to let the house work slide for awhile.
    Also I've cut most of our expenses in half by learning how to coupon, just a thought.
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