Besides toys for your kids, what are you giving people this year?
DH -- Meat grinder and sausage making kit; new coffee maker; pajamas; dress shirts and ties; CD
My mom -- DVD player
My dad -- Beer of the month club and buffalo steaks
My sister and BIL -- antique print of their new hometown and GC to restaurant
My other sister -- GC for new clothes for her new job
DH's parents -- Seafood sampler, chocolates (FIL's favorites), and chipping in for group gift of new TV
Adult nieces and nephews -- antique prints of their hometowns
Other various people -- Netflix subscription, "1,000 Places to See Before you Die" book, tote bags, Planet Earth DVDs, John Adams DVD, a couple of books signed by the author, magazine subscription to "The Week," Williams-Sonoma chocolate croissants.
Re: What gifts are you giving this year?
DH - I think we are getting a dog (not a puppy but a 2 year old rescue dog) so if we do that is his gift. That and some motorcycle painting but I'm trading and doing the guys website for that so it doesn't cost any money.
my parents - a grandparents book w/ pictures of the kids and either a gift card to go to dinner, some money for when they go to England to visit my brother (like paying for the shuttle from the airport to the bus station) or a gift card for an airline (we did that last year and they liked that alot)
my MIL and FIL - a grandparents book w/ pictures of my kids and my SIL's kids and a gift card for something
my brothers - well I pay for the gift for my parents and it's from all of us so that is what I give them.
Nieces/Nephew? - a few toys and an outfit each. SIL is having a baby in early december so if it's a boy I already have stuff (clothes that I got big so DS can use them if the baby is another girl). If she has a girl I have no idea what I'll get her, prob. diapers since she has toys and girl clothes coming out of her ears.
Other People - Friend and his wife and stepson, yankee candles and 2 movies. Friends daughters - summer clothes since they live in Austrillia and its summer there in December. Cousins child - a movie. One Uncle - a book. DCP and Cleaning lady - gift cards
I also make ornamets with the kids and that is what they give to the grandparents, aunts and uncles etc.
DH and I are buying ourselves a new bedroom set.
Godparents are always GC's, but everyone else ( I have no idea). I usually ask for ideas.