1. Try Nymbler.com. Type in a name you sort of like and let it spit out suggestions. The names it gives are not always winners, but it might help you brainstorm.
2. Take a name you sort of like and type it into the Social Security top-1000 site to find out when it was most popular. Then, look at the rest of the top-1000 for that year to get names with a similar style.
3. Lurk here for a while and see if anyone posts a name you like.
1. Try Nymbler.com. Type in a name you sort of like and let it spit out suggestions. The names it gives are not always winners, but it might help you brainstorm.
2. Take a name you sort of like and type it into the Social Security top-1000 site to find out when it was most popular. Then, look at the rest of the top-1000 for that year to get names with a similar style.
3. Lurk here for a while and see if anyone posts a name you like.
(Former UN: iloveshanej)
Birdie born 05/01/2007 Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
What are some boy names that you like? If you give a few that you think are nice, you will get a lot of suggestions on this board of names that are a similar style.
Re: how to pick a name... (boy)
1. Try Nymbler.com. Type in a name you sort of like and let it spit out suggestions. The names it gives are not always winners, but it might help you brainstorm.
2. Take a name you sort of like and type it into the Social Security top-1000 site to find out when it was most popular. Then, look at the rest of the top-1000 for that year to get names with a similar style.
3. Lurk here for a while and see if anyone posts a name you like.
Baby Name Popularity by State
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
Go to this web site:
A wide variety of names in alphabetical order. Maybe you can get a longer list going? In the meantime:
Austin, Blake, Brandon, Collin, Aaron, Derek, Dustin, Ethan, Hunter, Roland, Ryan, Tristan, Tyler, Lawrence, Malcom