Cloth Diapering

Considering a switch to CD...Have questions

I'm considering switching to CD. I've been reading so many articles and posts, but there is so much information out there that it seems so overwhelming.  So I thought that I would ask a few question to help streamline all that information.

1. My daughter is around 21lbs, but has pretty chunky thighs. What size would you recommend? What about the one size diaper (the one with all the snaps)?

2. Have your water and electricity bill increased from the extra laundry?

3. If I buy used diapers, I shouldn't need to prewash them a dozen times, right?

4. Tell me if I got this right, when it comes to washing. Rinse cold, then regular wash with extra rinse on?

5. I really don't want to buy a sprayer or liners, I'm pretty okay with scraping. But will the diapers stain? How should I prevent this? If they do stain, will I be able to resale them when I'm through with them?

6. I want to use cloth wipes, too. Can I buy a spray wipe solution at Target? Does anyone make their own?

7. What is stripping? How do you do it and how often?

8. Cloth diapers seem bulky. Are they? Do your babies move okay in them?

9. I have a Diaper Genie. Can I just put dirty cloth diapers in there?

10. Do they smell any worse than disposable diapers?

11. Are they really cost effective?

12. Are they really a lot of extra work or does it just seem that way?

13. This is a silly question: I think my son is on the brink of being potty trained. He is 30lbs and pretty tall and slim. Could they share a size? (I mean, I have accidently put one of her diapers on him before!!)

14. Any other words of advice or encouragement?

Thank-you so much! I'm so excited about the prospects of switching to cloth diapers!!

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Re: Considering a switch to CD...Have questions

  • Check the FAQs for information on stripping, stains, etc.

    2. Not that I have noticed, and even if they had, it would still be much cheaper than disposables.

    3. Right.

    4. Right - although people do a bunch of different things depending on their washer. Pre-rinse and an extra rinse afterward are enough for me.

    8. If you think about it, people really wouldn't use cloth diapers if they kept kids from learning to roll, crawl, walk, etc.

    9. No. They need to breathe.

    10. They smell significantly better. We use disposables on occasion and I'm always surprised at how bad they smell, like, as soon as the kid pees.

    11. We'll save at least $2000 over the diaper-wearing life of our twins.

    12. It's 3-4 extra loads of laundry a week for us. Not much work at all, especially compared to everything else babies require.

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  • There's an FAQ in the upper right of the board. Quicky answers:

    1. I use all one-size diapers. My boy is about 21 lb and on the middle rise of most. Check the review sheet for various options (see siggy). I like square tab kawaii.

    2. Not really. It's 2-3 loads a week and I mostly hang dry.

    3. Right.

    4. Yup

    5. You can get a lot of stains out by drying in the sun. You may change your mind on the liners and sprayer - I use both.

    6. Water. Plain water.

    7. Stripping is like "super washing" to get rid of residue. Most people do it only when they have problems.

    8. My baby moves fine. Cloth holds his pants up better.

    9. I just use a step pail. I don't know how  a Genie works.

    10. I think they stink less. I hate the stench of disposables.

    11. Depends on how many you buy and if you can resell later.

    12. It's laundry. I'm not using a washboard in the river.

    13. With one-size diapers, yes, they could share.

    14. It's not that hard. I promise.

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  • imagejs13524:

    1. My daughter is around 21lbs, but has pretty chunky thighs. What size would you recommend? What about the one size diaper (the one with all the snaps)? I would recommend one size diapers especially if you want to be able to use them on both LO's if needed.

    2. Have your water and electricity bill increased from the extra laundry? Our water isn't metered, so I can't comment on actual water consumption, but our hydro (electric) is the same as it was before baby, and our Gas (hot water heater) has only increase a few cents a month, but our home is also warmer in the winter (gas heat, more laundry in general, and DD bathes daily).

    3. If I buy used diapers, I shouldn't need to prewash them a dozen times, right? Used diapers won't need to be prepped. I usually only wash them on hot with a little oxy bleach before using.

    4. Tell me if I got this right, when it comes to washing. Rinse cold, then regular wash with extra rinse on? Most people find cold rinse, hot wash with an extra rinse is a good wash routine.

    5. I really don't want to buy a sprayer or liners, I'm pretty okay with scraping. But will the diapers stain? How should I prevent this? If they do stain, will I be able to resale them when I'm through with them? Diapers will stain unless you use liners, it's just the nature of the beast. You can sun the diapers outside to naturally bleach them white again though.

    6. I want to use cloth wipes, too. Can I buy a spray wipe solution at Target? Does anyone make their own? You can definitely make your own solution (2 cups water, 1tsp oil, 1tbsp baby wash), but a lot of us just use water as well.

    7. What is stripping? How do you do it and how often? I have hard water, and only strip when necessary (stink issues mostly). Some people have never had to strip.

    8. Cloth diapers seem bulky. Are they? Do your babies move okay in them? CD's are a little more bulky, but my DD has never had an issue with movement in them.

    9. I have a Diaper Genie. Can I just put dirty cloth diapers in there? I don't know how a diaper genie works, so I can't comment on this.

    10. Do they smell any worse than disposable diapers? I find that I have less smell issues with CD's then when DD is in a disposable. Those smell up the trash something awful.

    11. Are they really cost effective?yes

    12. Are they really a lot of extra work or does it just seem that way? It's 2-3 extra loads a week. It's not that much extra work.

    13. This is a silly question: I think my son is on the brink of being potty trained. He is 30lbs and pretty tall and slim. Could they share a size? (I mean, I have accidently put one of her diapers on him before!!) See #1

    14. Any other words of advice or encouragement? Just do it, you won't regret it!!

    Thank-you so much! I'm so excited about the prospects of switching to cloth diapers!!

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  • 1. My daughter is around 21lbs, but has pretty chunky thighs. What size would you recommend? What about the one size diaper (the one with all the snaps)? Get a One Size diaper. It'll work for both your kids :)

    2. Have your water and electricity bill increased from the extra laundry? Not that we've noticed at all-- its one load every other day. 

    3. If I buy used diapers, I shouldn't need to prewash them a dozen times, right? Right

    4. Tell me if I got this right, when it comes to washing. Rinse cold, then regular wash with extra rinse on? Cold Rinse, Regular (Heavy) Wash on HOT with Extra Cold rinse

    5. I really don't want to buy a sprayer or liners, I'm pretty okay with scraping. But will the diapers stain? How should I prevent this? If they do stain, will I be able to resale them when I'm through with them? You'll have to rinse off the poo in the toilet. They'll stain, but put them out in the sun while wet and the stains will come out. It's like magic!

    6. I want to use cloth wipes, too. Can I buy a spray wipe solution at Target? Does anyone make their own? I made my own solution. Spray bottle with mostly water, plus 1 squirt of water 1 squirt of baby oil. I use baby wash cloths for wipes

    7. What is stripping? How do you do it and how often? Stripping is removing any buildup- only do it if you have issues. You can use a squirt of blue dawn then risne til no suds or use RLR.

    8. Cloth diapers seem bulky. Are they? Do your babies move okay in them?

    My baby does just fine. They are bulkier though- but have no chemicals! 

    9. I have a Diaper Genie. Can I just put dirty cloth diapers in there?

    No, they need to breathe. You can use an open trash bag with a pail liner. 

    10. Do they smell any worse than disposable diapers?

    Nope. Actually smell much better. I can't even tell when DD has pooped. No smell. 

    11. Are they really cost effective?

    Yes! (Check out FAQs) 

    12. Are they really a lot of extra work or does it just seem that way?

    Nope. 1 load every other day. Not a big deal at all 

    13. This is a silly question: I think my son is on the brink of being potty trained. He is 30lbs and pretty tall and slim. Could they share a size? (I mean, I have accidently put one of her diapers on him before!!)

    If you have a one size diaper, they could both use it. 

    14. Any other words of advice or encouragement?

    It's really easy!! You can do it.  

    Thank-you so much! I'm so excited about the prospects of switching to cloth diapers!!

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  • 1. We use one-size pretty much exclusively (except for the newborn stage), that should definitely work for your daughter. Size will depend on brand of diaper (they usually indicate the size ranges), but based on her weight and build, it'd probably be medium to large.

    2. Not significantly, no.

    3. Right. You might want to consider stripping them though, just to be safe.

    4. Yup.

    5. Stains should sun out - just hang them out to dry while wet - the sun bleaches everything out! You can still sell them with stains, but won't recoup as much money as when they're spotless.

    6. You can just use water, you don't need a solution. I like making my own solution with a little bit of coconut oil or grapeseed oil and a few drops of essential oils for sanitizing/deodorizing/moisturizing effects.

    7. You only have to strip when your diapers have detergent build up. Check the FAQs for more details on how to go about it.

    8. Yes, they are more bulky than disposables. I don't find it to be an issue at all though - it has absolutely no effect on DDs ability to move and her clothes fit fine without having to size up. I love her squishy butt!

    10. Honestly? Cloth smells much much less. Sposies you can smell a mile away, even if it's just a wet diaper. Cloth contains even the stinkiest poops where you don't smell a thing unless you put your nose up against LOs butt. 

    11. Definitely cost effective! I calculated that we'd break even around 10 months.  So essentially we will diaper for free from now on, and all future kids will also be diapered for free. 

    12. They really aren't. Well, unless you think that pressing a few buttons on your washing machine a few times a week is a lot of effort. Instead of running to the store for more diapers, you'll just toss a load in the laundry. Same amount of effort if you ask me.

    13. If you get one-size diapers, they should fit your son too.

    14. They really are so much easier and nicer to use than people think. They're cheaper in the long run and they're healthier for LO as well - no nasty chemicals and fewer rashes with virtually no blowouts. Plus they're cute! Can't say that about a sposie. ;-)

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