Cloth Diapering

skuny smell from ON fitteds

Our overnight fitteds are smelling skunky. The pockets and workhorses that we use during the day are fine. I've tried stripping and RLR, and while it helps for a bit, the smell does come back. Any suggestions? FWIW, we have a water softener.
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Re: skuny smell from ON fitteds

  • Do you rinse or soak them at all in the morning to get the pee out?

    Have you tried a little oxy bleach, or even chlorine bleach?

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  • imagehispenguin:

    Do you rinse or soak them at all in the morning to get the pee out?

    Have you tried a little oxy bleach, or even chlorine bleach?

    Bleach lasts for about 1-2 wks. I put them through a rinse cycle in the morning as soon as I change her.

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  • Is it ammonia smell?  Some people have luck with rocking an overnight soak with RNG or using the fish ammonia cleaner...???  Another thought is to spray bac out on them right afterwards and see if that helps.

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