1st Trimester

Anterior low lying placenta

Just found out at my 12 week ultra sound that I have an anterior low lying placenta. Does anyone else have that as well?

Re: Anterior low lying placenta

  • Lurking from 3rd tri :) I have an anterior, didn't say whether it is low lying. They told me it's no big deal, i just may not feel alot of kicking and moving like everyone else does and to keep it in mind and don't freak if I have low movement days :)
  • I have complete previa. My next u/s is this Friday to figure out the exact placement of the placenta (assuming the previa hasn't cleared up yet). They are concerned that it will be anterior. I don't know because I feel my baby moving around pretty much all day long.

    Anyway, if it is Anterior their concern is Placenta Accreta, which is when the placenta starts to grow into the uterus. So, my fingers are crossed that even if the previa hasn't cleared up it's at least posterior.

    All that said, you are only 12 weeks & there is a 95% that if the previa is found that early that it will move.

    Good luck!

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  • Ditto the previous ladies. I had a low lying placenta and placenta previa with DS, and it just meant that I didn't feel kicks until weeks after most people. But then I did feel them, in full force! I was told the same thing, diagnosed early, most placentas will move on their own later on.
    carrie ~ me-at-carrie.cc ~ 4/21/2007
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  • Had an Anterior with #2 DS. I didn't feel kicks to a little later. No issues with baby or me though. They will probably do a couple extra ultrasounds to make sure it doesn't go too low.
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  • Lurking!

    I had a anterior placenta with DS.  It wasn't low lying though.

    The only difference for me was, it was harder to feel the baby kick as much (didn't feel it til a little later) and it was harder for DH  to feel the baby kick.

    Thats about it.

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