Cloth Diapering


Hi ladies...I need you're help! (grammer will be awful, I am bumping from my phone with a crying baby right now, lol)

 A little backround...I have a 4 month old that I am switching over to CD'ing. I wanted to CD since she was born, but was discouraged by my family and husband to do so. Since educating myself and them on it, I think we can all agree it will be much much better. Anywho... noone I know, knows a thing about CD'ing. I have been google'ing and lurking on this board like crazy to try to understand it all. This has taken me a couple of weeks to start my stash. 2 week after I started, and about 2 weeks ago, my daughter got a UTI. Our doctor was concerned with her young age + the UTI, and sent us to get more testing, showing that she has some dialation in her kidney. While we wait to go to a specialist, he wants me to keep her on anti-biotics (which she will most likely have to stay on for this condition, until she is a toddler from what I understand). My questions.............since shes going to be on antibiotics full time, does that mess with CD'ing?? I have read that it causes some very nasty poo, and also yeast infections??? (shes on pro biotics as well)  I am OK w/the nasty poo thing, but  I am so confused and discouraged once again from CD'ing because I feel like maybe disposables would be best for a baby prone to UTI's and on antibiotics?! Maybe I am wrong, help!!


Thanks in advance girls!

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Re: Stressed!

  • The nasty poo I wouldn't really stress about, the possibility of yeast is a different story. 

    The only way you will know if you have some issues is if you try. Hopefully since your DD is on probiotics you won't have any issues. I would recommend getting a good probiotic, something from a Naturopathic Doctor if your LO is going to be on antibiotics long term possibly.

    The most important thing is that if your LO does develop a yeast rash that you treat her and the diapers to kill all the yeast.

    Good luck. I hope that the kidney issues heal quickly for your daughter.

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