Philadelphia Babies

RE Recommendations in Chester County

Hi Ladies,

Can you recommend an RE in the Chester County area?  Someone recommended Dr. Pfeffer from Main Line Infertility to me and I have an appointment set for mid-September, but all the reviews I'm reading on him say he's arrogant and borderline insulting.  I've already been through that kind of treatment from an OBGYN and don't want to do it again.

Any suggestions would be really appreciated.


Re: RE Recommendations in Chester County

  • I see Dr. Orris at Main Line Fertility. Fabulous all around, nurses, response time, patience, information, attention. I do not have one single complaint about him or his staff.

    I never met with Dr. Pfeffer.

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  • I used Dr. Minabi at Reproductive Science Institute (RSI), after hearing negative stuff from friends who used Main Line. They have offices in Wayne (Chesterbrook), and Reading. He and the nurses were great - warm, friendly, and always willing to help/talk you down off the ledge. I had to go "the full monty" with IVF, after earlier, simpler treatments failed, but IVF worked the first try. I'll go back to them at some point for my 2 frozen embryos. Good luck!
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  • I used Penn fertility in Radnor. Not in Chester County, but not too far out.
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  • Hi, I know I'm late to the game, but I just joined the board and wanted to second the recommendation for Dr. Orris at Main Line Fertility!  He is a great guy and very patient!  I saw him for 3 years before I got pregnant and the day he gave me the news I got a giant hug from him. Of course he may have just been happy to get rid of me...LOL  I think I saw Pfeffer once and he was okay but not as down to earth as Orris.  There is another doc in the practice, too, Dr. Glassner.  I liked him too but Orris would be my first choice.

    Good Luck.

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