For $100M net, would you gain 300 lbs on top of your current weight? You can take as long as you want to gain the weight b/c money would be awarded when you reached the goal weight. Any method may be used; food, steroids for muscles,etc...
Once accomplished, you would no longer need to remain at this weight.
ETA for clarity on criteria
Re: CP: For $100M net...
Yeah that's what I was thinking too.
I am going to have to go with "No" on this one. I would be afraid of being an embarrassment to my son. I'm already plus size ( size 18, but look pretty good at this weight), so if I gained 300 lbs, I'd be too close for comfort to the 500 lb mark.
Also, a lot of the activities that I would want to use the money for (like traveling) would be severely limited by the weight. I believe you have to be within a certain weight of your BMI, before becoming a candidate for lipo, and I don't know the requirements for gastric bypass.
Plus, what if there were complications, and I died while trying to put on that much weight? I guarantee my son would prefer to have his mom while growing up than to have $100M.