
Vaccines and immunity?

I'm sure some of you have read my posts about Jonas' prolonged umbilical cord attachment. Well, it's finally about to come off (thank goodness), but I have read that sometimes a prolonged attachment can mean immunity issues. He is due for his first round of vaccines next week and I'm leaning towards waiting until they do a white blood cell count. Does this sound ridiculous or overbearing? I just feel like I want to be sure about it before going with the regular schedule...and if there are issues, I would like to used a delayed vaccine schedule. WDYT?

Re: Vaccines and immunity?

  • I never heard about this.  My oldest DD had her cord attached for about 2 1/2 weeks.  I finally took her in because it had not fallen off.  The pedi just plucked it off and asked if I wanted to save it.  lol  She has no immunity issues and she is now an adult.  How long of an attachment does it have to be to be an issue?  Do they plan to do a white blood cell count or is that something you are requesting?
  • I've never heard that, but I would ask for a white cell count.  It's better to be safe than sorry.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • imagehopefulmom:
    I never heard about this.  My oldest DD had her cord attached for about 2 1/2 weeks.  I finally took her in because it had not fallen off.  The pedi just plucked it off and asked if I wanted to save it.  lol  She has no immunity issues and she is now an adult.  How long of an attachment does it have to be to be an issue?  Do they plan to do a white blood cell count or is that something you are requesting?

    He's almost two months old and still has it. My oldest's pedi said to have them check the white count (he will be both of the boys' doctor once we get the ins. worked out).

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