Cloth Diapering

RLR questions

Ok I am having a serious case of preggo brain....

my dipes (all pockets) need to be stripped so I picked up some packets of RLR. 

 I know that I use it on clean diapers but how many diapers to a load? I typically do 14 or so in a load of regular was, but that would make 3 separate loads to strip. 

Do I do just the inserts or the pockets too?

and for my dumbest question, do I put the powder into the detergent dispenser or sprinkle it in the drum (I have an HE FL washer)

 any other tips or suggestions are appreciated....Thanks!

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Re: RLR questions

  • I put it in the detergent dispenser.  Personally, would divvy up your stash into two loads , the more agitation you can get the better. Do the pockets and the inserts, the buildup is mainly on the pocket but inserts get clogged too.

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