The post about honoring loved ones below got me thinking about one of my own possible honoring choices.
My grandparents are immigrants and wanted to give their children "American" names. They wanted to name my dad for his grandfather, Americo, but they Anglicized it to "Mark." And yes, it is hilarious that Americo was not American enough for them.
If I have a son, I would like to honor my dad and that whole side of the family with Americo as a middle name. I think my dad would feel honored, but I will probably have to ask him how he feels about it. I don't want him to feel that his name isn't good enough for me, and if he doesn't feel honored by Americo, I probably wouldn't use it.
But I'm curious about what others think. If you have a relative with an Anglicized version of a family name from another language, would you revert to the old family name? Or keep the name of the person closest to you?
Re: F/U to Honoring Post: Reversing an Anglicization?
I think using Americo is a way to honor both your father and his parents! My grandmother's first name was altered when she entered the US from Canada, and my cousin used my grandmother's original name as the middle name for her first daughter. I prefer her original name, and my grandmother was so touched that it was used.
I had friends years ago (the husband was a co-worker of mine) that named their son after the dad, but took his hispanic name (Alejandro) and used a German version of it (probably Alexander, I don't remember), and took the mom's father's name (I think Anthony) and used I think Antonio or something like that. I also forget which was fn and mn, but I loved the way they intertwined their heritages while still honoring family members.
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.