
My little guys arrived!

Cooper and Crosby arrived on Tuesday at 35w 3d weighing 4lb 7 oz and 4lb 10 oz! They have been in the NICU since Tuesday night and probably will be for another week or so just due to some minor breathing issues with Crosby.  Cooper is just here as a feeder and grower.  They recommended keeping them together so that's the plan for now!  It is hard to not have them home but I am already so in love with my little peanuts!

 I went in for my OB appt on Monday morning and was at 1.5, 50% effaced w/no signs of labor at all and I went to work that afternoon.  Came home that night and went to bed with nothing out of the ordinary.  3:30 Tuesday morning I woke up and my water had broken!  I was so surprised!  I hadn't even packed a bag yet!  So I got a bag ready and we were at the hospital by 4:30 and I still wasn't even really feeling contractions.  

By 6:00 I started feeling contractions that steadily got worse (but nowhere near as bad as I imagined they would be - felt more like bad gas cramps) so I eventually had an epi around 11:30.  I was terrified of the epi and was shocked when I didn't even feel a poke or pinch.  No idea why I psyched myself out so much about it!  It worked fabulously an II rested for about two hours.  When they woke me up to check I was at 9 cm.  They wheeled me into the OR for delivery and got all set up and By then I was 10cm and ready to push! 3 contractions and 9 pushes later Cooper was born at 1:58pm.  Then they broke Crosby's water and 2 contractions and 4 pushes later he was born at 2:04!  Poor little guys face was bruised from coming out so fast!  I could not believe How fast it all went especially since I am a FTM.  I had envisioned pushing for hours and it took less than 15 minutes!!  Even just 4 days later it seems like a blur!

Sorry no pics, I am totally incompetent with pics on TB!  Hope all you other mommies getting close are doing great!  I just want to encourage you all to hang in there even though it gets so hard near the end!  Having the babies in the hospital is rough and it will be so worth your hardest days being pregnant to be able to bring them home with you when you get discharged!

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