Philadelphia Babies

Philly bumpies, can I post events in here?

or can anyone direct me to an events section? Trying to post family-friendly events happening in Philly.



Re: Philly bumpies, can I post events in here?

  • I am not really that familar with if event should be posted here, but I would love to see family- friendly events going on in town posted  :)

    TTC#1 May 2009- July 2010 on our own with no luck

    Started with RE in August 2010, dx with unexplained IF and then finally our 3rd IUI cycle using Follistim and Trigger resulted in our wonderful little man.  Born 12/2/11

    TTC#2 Never really prevented, but were careful early on as Dr. reccomended

    Surprise BFP 12/16/13, started progesterone immediately as first numbers came back low, but betas were good.  Progesterone wasnt enough. Natural MC 12/24/13.

    Back with RE as of January 2014...

    5/27/14- Chemical Pregnancy :(

    April 2015 IVF#1

    5/13/15- BFP, please stick LO!

    Oh and I'm a major Harry Potter Nerd :)

    Silly mugglesimage


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