My Husband and I had a girl and boy name picked out when I miscarried last October. Annaliegh Elizabeth or Anna Leigh and Brayden William. Our last name is Foxx.
This time around we still can't agree on which way to do the girls name so we have decided to go with Haleigh Elizabeth or Layla Elizabeth but now we are struggling with a boys name. I am not heart set on Brayden anymore. It's important we come up with a boy name because his whole family is male so even though I'm hoping for a girl the odds are against us.
So what do you think of the girl names? and what are some of your suggestions for boy names? William will be the middle name.
Re: Boy Name
Layla elizabeth is the nicer of the 2...the spelling of haleigh is terrible
im glad you are rethinking brayden...
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Layla is very pretty. Is Elizabeth a family name? I find it quite generic if not.
I'm glad you're no longer considering a variant spelling of anally.
Can you give a few more examples of boys' names you like? It's hard to make suggestions off just one.
my first thought was of Quagmire's daughter on Family Guy...giggity