So, since most responses consist of NMS or too trendy... I have to ask if your friends and area are the consideration or this board?
Reason I ask is that I love the name Owen, but I see it here and in kids magazines all the time, but I only know one Owen IRL, and he is 72 yrs old and goes by Mike.
My husband is all Irish and we have a Mc last name and he wants Rory (another trendy name & controversially called a unisex name - which I hate, but we only know one IRL, a male in his 50s).
Those are the only two boy names we love. We don't know gender, but our girl names are just as trendy/common here but not IRL for us... Sophia & Ellen (middle name will be Mary or Rae after family members).
Please let me know your thoughts!
Re: trendy names
I think trendy and popular are a bit different.
Trendy: Sawyer, Marlowe, and other names of that nature. Other names that I see viewed as trendy on other name boards are the more old fashioned names.
Popular: Emma, Mason, Jacob, Liam, and so on.
Nothing against any of the names, just my thoughts on how I see them viewed.
I like the names you have chosen. I wish I could get DH on board with Owen. I really like it.
Thanks, my older boys have family names Martin - nn Marty and Emmett so I want something that goes with them, but not too popular or trendy.
Most people in our area are Irish but stick to traditional or family names, my son is in a K class with only 12 other kids and there are 4 Michaels! He had 2 Marty's on his teeball team... so I don't want to go too trendy or popular, but around here that is how it goes. Everyone thought Emmett was wacky at first but its a family name of a great-uncle and I always loved it. Now, its getting popular and we know 2 others since naming him!
The only Owen I know in real life is an old man too. It is high on the SSA list, but I think it's a great name. I love Rory too, and it is all boy to me fwiw.
I go by what I know to be the top 10 and the kids/area that I know.
I know no boys named Owen or Rory (FYI - LOVE Rory!) so I would not say they are trendy or popular.
I do see and know a few Sophia/Sophie's but not any Ellen's. You usually see Ella or Ellie but not really Ellen.
I think all your names are just fine and good to use.
To answer the question of whether I take this board or my friends/area into consideration when deciding if something is trendy/popular:
I actually use both as a judge. This board gives me a good idea of what is considered "trendy" and my friends/local area help me judge what is "popular."
Being that I try to avoid trendy but don't have a problem with classically popular names (William, Elizabeth, Michael), I don't see a problem with naming your son Owen even if it feels overly-popular. It has a classic feel to it. So does Ellen. I think Sophia and Madeline and (more currently) Nora, however, will define a generation of girls just like Lauren, Stephanie, Tiffany, and Jennifer did in the 80s.