
Sooooooo depressed about weightloss

I have been working my ass off, literally, the past two weeks working out and eating well.  I got on the scale this morning and I'm up 5 lbs from Saturday.  I've done great all week except the dinner I ate last night wasn't healthy, but I did eat very small portions.  I seriously feel like something is wrong with my body and I'm so depressed about it.  This makes me want to throw in the towel and go eat pizza for breakfast :(

Re: Sooooooo depressed about weightloss

  • Could you be losing fat and gaining muscle?  Muscle weighs more than fat.  I know how you must feel.  I've always had a hard time losing weight.  I can work out 7 days/week and eat lettuce and still not seem to lose anything.  Don't give up.
  • Are you measuring yourself? You could be gaining muscle but losing inches.

    Also, make sure you weigh yourself in the morning. That's your real weight.

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  • Don't be depressed!  Wait until about week 4 or 5...that's when i started seeing some change on the scale.  You can do it girl - it just takes a little time.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • Hang in there.  That "not healthy" dinner that you ate could have been the cause (water retention, etc.)  In the grand scheme, a 5 lb. fluctuation on the scale is not unreasonable.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Have you had your thyroid checked?  i swear to god I was gaining 1 1/2 lbs a week for about 6 straight weeks.  I asked the doctor to check my thyroid again (had been done about 10 months ago) and it had basically stopped working all together in that time.  Since I started the medication, I have not gained anything, actually lost 2 lbs with out changing my eating habits at all.
  • First of all, I feel your pain.  The same exact thing happened to me.  about 6-8 weeks post preganncy I decided to really focus on losing weight.  I exercised like crazy ate very healthy and small portions, etc.  and it was not coming off.    But I just kept at it and then one day  it came off in like a 6 lb "chunk", then nothing, then a 4 pound "chunk" etc.  It's like my body was having a delayed reaction. for some reason that is the pattern in which I lose weight.   One thing  that I did change (and I don;t know if this is possible, or if this is even what helped) is I added 10-15 minutes to my workout.  It wasn't possible, due to time constraints, for me to add the time to my workout all at once, so what I would do is I would work out in the morning like I normally did, and then at night I would hop on our treadmill and just do an extra 15 minutes of walking--it was actually somewhat leisurely but it allowed me to burn off that extra 100 calories or so without working too hard.  Just an idea--hang in there!  You're making some great behavioral changes and that is what is most important!
  • I always try to eat lite the night before weigh in.  My cheat day is weigh in day.  If you eat healthy today maybe weigh yourself in the morning and that may be more realistic of your progress.  One meal won't ruin you but it will effect what the scale says the next morning. 


  • I'm so sorry you're feeling that way! I can totally relate. But I know that my weight fluctuates SO much. My body also seems really sensative to salt (maybe all women are), and a salty meal can make me totally swollen and water-logged the next day. So maybe watch your salt intake? You could start a journal of what you eat every day and what the scale said. You might see some interesting trends!?

    I hope that helps in some way. I'm really sorry! Like I said, I'm so there with you! ?

  • Don't be discouraged. It took me a month and a half of working out to see a difference on the scale. I started to get impatient and wanted to give up, but I didn't. Now I'm down 20 lbs and counting...hang in there, it will come off eventually!

  • Hang in there!  I'm sure your horomones are still all over the place and you could just be retaining water!  Don't give up!  You'll see results soon!
    Liam is 5!
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  • Ditto OP?you could be gaining muscle. Are you seeing results with your clothing? When I ?lose weight? I don?t lose pounds as much as dress sizes.

    Also, have you had your hormone/thyroid levels checked? It?s not uncommon for a woman?s thyroid to go out of whack after a baby. My levels were significantly lower after I had DS. Sadly, not low enough to do something about it, just low enough that it?s making weight loss very difficult.

    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • Remember your body is regulating it's hormones too, so the dinner you ate last night could very well have made you bloated this am and retained water and fluids. 

    I would continue to eat healthy today and weigh yourself later on this afternoon.


    Keep up the good work, you are my future inspiration!

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