Anyone have experience using hemp prefolds? I bought some a few days ago and have been prepping them - on wash 7 now and they have yet to quilt up. Do hemp prefolds just not quilt up like the cotton ones?
From what I've read they are supposed to shrink more than cotton, but truthfully, they don't appear to have shrunk at all. And yes, I'm washing in hot with a hot pre-wash, hot rinse, and a cold rinse and drying in between each wash cycle. They are absorbing water now, but they are so big and not very soft I'm not sure I'd want to use them.
I thought this would be an awesome score since hemp is so absorbent. Do I keep washing or did I get some duds?
Re: Hemp Prefolds ?
Holy schmolies! 7 washes! I would have only done 3-4 hot washes. You don't do a normal wash routine when you prep diapers, just hot washes and drying. Hemp does not quilt like cotton, it just shrinks a little. I have a Hemp Babies flat and it just shrank a little. What kind of hemp prefolds did you get and what size? How big is your child right now? You may just have to wait on using them or use them for nighttime.