April 2011 Moms

Double Ear Infection

My poor lo has a nasty bug.  He's all drippy and grumpy.  He spiked a fever yesterday so I decided to run him into his Dr this morning.  Well, he's got a double ear infection on top of teething four molars and his canines.  Life has been rough the last couple of days.  He's not his usual, silly self.  He got a script for an antibiotic and I also found some Hyland's Tiny Colds tablets that have worked wonders.  Same company that makes the teething tablets.  Also, my DH and I are working on summer colds.  Oh, and did I mention that we are also trying to paint the exterior of our house (ourselves).  Oy! 
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mama to a beautiful Baby Bee!

Re: Double Ear Infection

  • Yuck!  Hope your whole family feels better soon. DD woke up with her first cold in 4 or 5 months and I'm guessing it is because I go back to work on Monday (teacher) and it is next to impossible to take any days off my first week. Good luck with the house painting, too. 
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  • No fun. Hope you all feel better soon.
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  • I'm so sorry that he is sick.  Chase has a cold as well, and I just found the Tiny Colds tablets this evening and gave them to Chase for the first time.  I have yet to see if they will help, but we love the teething tablets, so I figure these can't hurt.

    Strangely enough, I used the nasal aspirator on him for the first time in months and rather than fighting it, he started giggling! 

    Chase was born 4/23/2011
    Carlene was born 4/18/2014                          A14 siggy challenge:  Junk Food
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