I was told by my SIL who had a c-section last year that I will not be able to eat for 24 hours after my c-section. Is this true? She said that the reason is because they take your bowels out during and want to make sure everything is working after.
I can't see not having anything to eat for 24+ hours.
Re: Eating after...
They were starving your sister! LOL!
I have had all 3 c-sections in the morning. I'm allowed a LIQUID diet until around evening time. Then I can order something light.
My OB just tells me to listen to my body and order accordingly.
I had a c/s at 10:25 am, was in recovery till 11:45 ish, then had half a grilled cheese around 2 pm and a full grilled cheese around 3:30 pm.
I never threw up or even felt sick. Just eat slowly, drink water, and listen to your tummy.
Nope, nothing.
There is no real reason to go that long without eating. Unless something really gets messed up you should be started on a clear liquid diet (apple juice, jello, broth, etc) with an "advance as tolerated" order to follow. That means as long as the clear liquids don't make you sick you will advance to full liquids (pudding, milk, soups) and then should be on a normal diet after that.
And yes you have to have NOTHING by mouth (including ice chips, sips of water, etc) after midnight for a scheduled c-section. National standard is at least 6 hours of nothing to eat or drink for surgery unless emergent-most anesthesia professionals prefer 8 hours to be on the safe side because anything you put in your stomach could potentially come up and into your lungs while having surgery which can lead to pneumonia.
With my first c-section I was on a liquid diet the first 24hrs. With this c-section I actually had an on call doc and she is the ONLY doctor they have that allows you NO food restrictions after a c-section. She just says "take it slow" and don't make yourself sick but eat anything you want. It was nice!
I had a c/s at 3:30 am and was told I had to eat pudding as my first post-c meal. I have no idea what time in the morning it was but I had pudding and then was allowed to order breakfast. I ate breakfast fine but then totally threw up everything. I had some sips of water and ice later on and threw that up too. I was told to have something with carbs as "lunch" after i got some drugs and kept that down just fine. I had a normal dinner with no problems.
I was told no ice chips, no water, no food (nothing in the mouth) after midnight before my scheduled c/s. My water broke several days before my sch c/s and they wanted to wait 6 hours after I had last eaten. I was progressing very fast so they took me back earlier.
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I was told not to eat or drink anything after midnight. My c-section was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. DS was delivered at 9:10 a.m.
While I was in recovery, I was only given ice chips. That could have been because I vomited soon after I got the spinal block. I was in recovery for about 2 hours. Once I was in my regular room, I was told that I could order whatever I wanted from the cafeteria. The nurse did suggest that I take it easy in the beginning and try crackers or soup. (I pretty much had to because I was still vomiting.) By late afternoon, we got the vomiting under control, so I had a normal meal that evening.
Yep. My doctor doesn't put any food restrictions on his patients (with un-complicated c/s). He just said to take it easy. I went ahead and had broth for the first meal, but quickly ate more.
Also, no water after when they tell you not to eat or drink. They allowed me ice chips in the hospital because I was so thirsty since my c/s wasn't until noon.
DS was delivered at 12:09am, i had chicken broth for "breakfast" at 8am and lunch at 12:30pm. my hospital said 12 hours post surgery you can eat.
funny story though... the morning nurse told me i could go ahead and order lunch and eat it. the meal lady came and brought me lunch, asked if i had passed gas and said no. she set the tray just out of arm's reach and told me that i couldn't eat until she talked to the nurse. she left the room, i put that bed up and reached for the tray, grabbed whatever i could off of it and started stuffing my face. i was STARVING after not having had anything to eat for 28 hours. she came back in to me with a mouth full of food and told me the nurse said i could eat
Your poor SIL, I wonder if there was another issue with her that they didn't allow her to eat?? I had my DD at 9am and I had a late lunch of chicken broth, jello and juice around 2:00. Then I had a grilled cheese for dinner at 6:30 and ate a huge breakfast the next morning.
I would recommend eating some fiber and/or having prune juice with your meals. The first time you poop will likely be very painful and for a lot of us is the worst part of having a c/s.
My csection was at 3pm and I wasn't allowed to eat or drink after midnight the night before.
After my csection, I was still so thirsty I drank a bunch of water too fast and got sick. However, a couple hours later they brought me a "liquid" diet for dinner. I only had the juice and jello at that point. The next morning I got a regular breakfast.
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Ditto! C around 9 pm, breakfast the next morning. Plus the recovery floor nurse gave me a small glass of water (that was the best water I ever had in my life, lol) and a granola bar around 2 a.m. No problems.