
anyone had septoplasty/rhinoplasty?

i have a deviated septum and have been considering having it repaired. if i do it, i would also have cosmetic work done as well, since i have always wanted a nose job anyway. has anyone had this done? what can you tell me about it? how was the recovery? how long to recover? were able to be up and around taking care of kids/house within a few days? i obviously have to wait until after this pregnancy but i'm wondering if the recovery would be super difficult with two LO's? I'm sure DH would be a big help. also, how painful was it?

if you had both, did your insurance cover everything or only the septoplasty portion?


Re: anyone had septoplasty/rhinoplasty?

  • I had both. Insurance only covered the septoplasty. I'm 100% happy I got this done. My nose now  flatters my face, and I can breathe better. It was 8 years ago so I'm a bit hazy on how many days it took to recover, but I never took anything stronger than a Tylenol, so it couldn't have been that bad. I think it was mostly uncomfortable and I do remember that I couldn't breathe out of it for a little while and had to use nose spray for some time to help it heal.  I also think there are weight/exercise restrictions. 



    can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:

    Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014

    Formerly Twilightmv
  • I had rhinoplasty about 12 years ago. It was not bad at all. On a pain scale of 1-10 (10 is the worst) it was about a 4. I had one very small black and blue "smudge" under only one of my eyes and it went away relatively quickly--within a week. (I followed directions and really iced it a lot.)

    The first 24 hours I was sore and tired, but like PP I didn't take anything more than tylenol and a decongestant, and I was fine. You can't breathe through you nose for a while and I remember that I got so used to breathing out of my mouth that I had to retrain myself to breathe through my nose again. Also the bridge of my nose didn't have feeling for a while and I wasn't supposed to wear sunglasses for a while bc they sit right on the bridge.

    As far as having LOs, I think you'd need help for about 2 or 3 days. After that I think you'd be fine on your own. 

    Good luck!! I am so glad I did it--my nose wasn't horrible before, but I never liked it. My doctor did an awesome job just tweaking it a little and making it look more like my family's noses. You can't tell I had anything done. For months afterward, I'd run into people and they'd ask if I lost weight--so it wasn't a dramatic change, but it was a change enough for the better.

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  • Thanks ladies!
    And mrsmommyQ my nose is so different from my family! I have two sisters and they have cute little noses and I have a big honker! Lol I just hope my kids don't get it! Lol
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