I wanted to share a cute little story about Aida, me, and her birth mom.
I sent J a video of Aida throwing a fit. and this is the conversation that followed:
j: what she whinin 4?
me: who knows, she gets angry easily lol
j: oops, she got that from me
me: thanks a lot!
j: sorry!
me: lol
j: I should tell you though, I was angry a lot when I was pregnant with her
me: j! that isnt why! Its aidas personality, she is short fused. Its something we will have to help her deal with as she gets older. You shouldnt feel bad. I use to be the same way.
j: oh well, you the mama! she gets it from you!
I dont know why but this story makes me so happy. 2 mamas chatting over where the daughter gets her traits from. It could be either of us, it could be from both of us I love open adoption.
and I LOVE that to J, I am Aidas mom.
Re: A tale of 2 mothers: open adoption
:::Our Adoption Journey:::
Evan James was born 1/24/13 and matched with us 2/20/13. The LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!
TTC since March 2010, BFP #1 11.09.10, ectopic, m/c 12.14.10 (10w)
Clomid + TI=BFN, IUIs 1-6= BFN
Application for domestic adoption submitted 4/18/12, matched 8/12/12, DD born 10/31/12
She's Forever Ours! Finaliaztion-12.26.12
6 home inseminations=BFN
June 2012-Decided to give up TTC and started the process to adopt from foster care!
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