
Mixed feeding - how much?

My babies were exclusively getting BM until last week when we had to start mixing half formula. Each bottle they get is half and half and is usually 4-5 ounces. When they were getting straight breastmilk they were eating 4oz every 4 hours from 7am-9pm. Now they are eating more in each bottle and can barely make it 3 hours without acting like the are starving. During the day they do fine without much spit up but after their last two bottles they spit up a lot more so I don't know if they are gettingn too much? They are 14 weeks old/adjusted age 10 weeks. They were weighed last week and were about 11lbs. So after all this rambling, does it sound like they are getting enough or too much or what? I'm having a hard time finding info for babies that drink both formula and breastmilk mixed. When I calculate it out, they are getting between 20-24oz/day. Thanks and sorry this is so scattered!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: Mixed feeding - how much?

  • My boys are about the same adjusted age. They typically eat 4oz every three hours from 5:30am8:30pm. It could be that they're having a hard time with the particular kind of formula. How much are they spitting up? If its just a mL or two I wouldn't be concerned. I would only worry if it's projectile vomit. Our GI doctor calls typical spit up a "laundry issue" rather than a feeding issue.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
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