My OB sent me into L & D today because I was feeling some contractions. After they confirmed the contractions on the monitor, they gave me a shot to stop them and checked my cervix via u/s. The u/s confirmed the funnel in my cervix had worsened and it looking like my membranes were beginning to slip into my cervix which my OB expects will cause them to burst. I was given my first steroid shot for the babes today and will get my second tomorrow. They are monitoring me all night and checking my cervix again in the morning. My OB and MFM have confirmed that if I go into labor again or my water bursts, they will immediately perform a RCS at this point. :-(
This is my siggy. Love it.
Re: Back in the hospital. :-(
So sorry! I hope they keep your contractions under control and that your cervix starts acting correctly You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!!!!
July 2011: Clomid 50mg- No ovulation
Sept 2011: Clomid 100mg- No ovulation
Nov 2011: Clomid 150mg- No ovulation
Jan-Feb 2012: 150mg Clomid and 5 mg Femara w/ Orvidrel Shot- Ovulation!!
Feb 2012: IUI #1- BFP
Beta #1: 206
Beta #2: 2496
Feb 16: TWINS!!!
June 13: Found out genders... Boy/Girl (Team Green)
I've been on 10mg of Procardia every 4 hours for the last six weeks or so. No mag drip yet.
This is my siggy. Love it.
Thank you all for your support. Thank you Missa G for being there for the questions I'm sure will come.
This is my siggy. Love it.
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
Praying for you and babies
Hope those little ones stay in there and grow for a few more weeks!
Oh, so sorry!
Dx DOR (AMH .49), Stage 3/4 Endo, Septate Uterus
After 2 years, numerous tests, abdonimal surgery, and 2 IVF cycles, we are so grateful to be expecting.
Transferred 2 "perfect" 8-cell embies 6/12. Beta 1 6/25: 472! Beta 2 6/27: 1055!
First u/s shows TRIPLETS! WHAT?!?! Both embies stuck and one split. OMG
Levi, Henry, and Amelia were born healthy at 34w3d.
DS1 born July 2002 (previous marriage).
TTC since Oct 08. DH Dx w/testicular cancer March 09.
MFI due to retrograde ejaculation/azoospermia.
5/2 IVF #1 cancelled due to large follie.
6/14 start Lupron for IVF #1.2. 6/22 start stims.
7/4 ER and Biopsy.
7/9 Transferred 2 (1-4BB and 1-3BB) embryos. 4 frosties.
7/15 +HPT 6dp5dt. 7/18 Beta #1: 193. 7/20 Beta #2: 415.
8/10 1st u/s - It's triplets!
This is my siggy. Love it.
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
Lots and Lots of prayers coming your way!!!!
BFP #2 1/22/2012 ~ DS2 & DD ~ BIRTHday 9/13/2012 ~ unplanned C-section @ 38w1d
Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
E & C Born 10/19/2012
I'm sorry there's a difference of stressful!
Not sure if this helps, but I wanted to add that my membranes were also slipping into the funnel, and after I went into PTL at 27 weeks, dilated between 2-3 cm, and no longer had a measurable cervix, the doctor could feel both my bag of waters and baby A's head. Everyone was sure that my water would break within a matter of days, but I lasted until 36 and 1, went into full blown labor on my own, and actually had to have my water(s) broken. So, anything can happen. I will keep you in my thoughts!
That is extremely encouraging!
This is my siggy. Love it.
sorry to hear this; hope they stay in there a lot longer. how is your daughter doing? i think it would be so hard to be in the hospital with other children at home.
what is RCS?