I'm in nap hell please help me!
My boys are completly different when it comes to napping. Most of the time they take 2 but sometimes 3 naps a day. Sam is a great napper IHe sleeps from anywere from 1 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Max is the complete opposite. He maybe sleeps for an hour if that.
The problem is when Max wakes up he starts screaming which wakes Sam up and he cannot go back to sleep so what I've started doing is letting Max nap in the living room or in our bedroom (Right now we are living in a 2 bedroom apartment so there isn't alot of extra space!) Max doesn't sleep that great wakes up at the smallest little noise so while they nap I can't get much done around the house.
Yesterday their schedules got competly messed up Sam was wide awake when Max was getting tired again. I don't want to have to wake up Sam everytime Max wakes up to keep them on the same schedule b/c he needs his sleep but should I be doing that? Should I just make Max sleep in his crib and if he wakes Sam up just let him cry to see if he goes back to sleep?
Re: please help me with naps
I wish I could help..Timmie and Wesley are the same way. Timmie is my non-napper. Except Timmie likes to take a 3 hour nap after his 4:00 bottle..I have to wake him up b/c he doesn't sleep the night with that long of a nap in the afternoon.
We had a similar situation and had to separate our girls for a few months, until one stopped waking up. ?I hated having to separate them, but it just worked better and that way, sometimes the frequent waker would fuss and then go back to bed without ever waking up the other one. ?It also helped to set a very firm nap schedule and stick with it - so they know what to expect. ?When our girls were little, we followed the 2-3-4 routine - first nap 2 hours after they wake up in the morning, second nap 3 hours after they wake up from their 1st nap, and then if a third nap is needed, 4 hours after they wake up from the 2nd nap. ?So usually it meant that they took naps at 9 a.m., 1/2 p.m., and 7 p.m., if needed (though they dropped that 3rd nap pretty early on). ?Good luck!