So we had our "big scan" where they measure the boys again and they are on schedule. Baby A is 1lb 6ozs and Baby B is 1lb 8ozs. They checked their hearts for defects since I am a diabetic and everything appears normal.
I keep getting comments that I don't look like I am pregnant with twins. I feel like I am about the same size as I was at week 35 with DD. I wasn't really big with her either. When did your belly start to get twin big? Like it was obvious that you were carrying twins? Does my question make sense? lol. I am just wondering will I wake up and not be able to move. I keep hearing week 25 is a huge change so I guess I will have to wait and see.
Re: Growth spurts? and doctors appt.
TTC since 2004
DX: Azoospermia
3 unmedicated IUI's, 1 with Clomid - all unsuccessful. Moving on to DIVF #1-BFP 5dp5dt!!! 1st Beta 1/23- 269!! Beta #2 1/26 - 882!!! Beta #3 1/30- 4,250!!! 1st ultrasound 2/10 showed TWINS!!! Found out on May 2nd we are having BOYS!