Late Term and Child Loss

Intro and Loss at 34 weeks

I posted my story on the Pregnancy Loss board as well. I lost my daughter at 34 weeks after waking up one night to a gush of blood. My daughter still had a heartbeat when we got to the hospital. It started to drop suddenly and they rushed me in for an emergency c-section. I woke up and my husband told me that she did not make it. My doctor thinks it was a placental abruption. I would like to know if anyone has had a similar experience. Also for ladies who had a c-section, how long did your doctor give you before you could TTC.

Mommy to an angel who got her wings at 34 weeks.

Re: Intro and Loss at 34 weeks

  • mdharrison- Thank you so much for your sweet post. I am so sorry about your loss and I am sorry we find ourselves in these terrible circumstances. Our daughter was named Lillian and she was absolutely beautiful. 

    I am curious to see what others with c-sections say about a good time to TTC although I can relate to the mixed emotions you describe about going back and forth.  

    Mommy to an angel who got her wings at 34 weeks.
  • I'm so sorry about the loss of your little girl.  Did you name her?

    I had an emergency c/s at 33 wks, our son lived for 6 days until we took him off of support after a confirmation of Trisomy 13.  I specifically asked my doctor how long to physically wait (emotionally is a whole different ballgame) before TTC.  She recommends 6 months if I was ok with having a repeat c/s, and at least a year for a VBAC.  She did also say that if I were to become pregnant before then, it would not be the end of the world, but she would like at least 6 months for the body to heal.  It is a major surgery and it does take time to heal.  I know that I could have basically done whatever I felt like, and at the time that was becoming pregnant immediately, but it was sort of nice to have someone "tell" me that I had to wait, if that makes sense.   

    BFP#1: EDD 10/11/11 Our sweet boy Robin was born 7 weeks a little early on 8/23/11 due to HELLP syndrome, unfortunately he was diagnosed with Trisomy13 and left us on 8/29/11. BFP#2: EDD 10/13/13
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  • I'm so sorry for your loss. Lillian is a beautiful name!!

    My situation was different, but the result was the same. A healthy pregnancy that suddenly ended. No one should have to go through this yet here we are.

    I hope you are able to gain support here the way I have. This is truly a special group of women. An awful club to belong to, but special people nonetheless.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter!  I did not have the same experience but wanted to send (((Hugs))) and let you know I am thinking of you!  I did not go through a c-section as we delivered through induction and our dr is having us wait 3 months so I imagine it would be 4-6 months after a c-section as it is more recovery time physically.  I am so sorry!
  • I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I can not speak to the c-section. But wait time varies. My OB said 2 cycles, my MFM said he would like us to wait 6, my RE said 3 and our therapist said she agrees with the MFM on 6. It is very different for every person. We decided to go with 6 months for a few reasons, physically and emotionally.

    Big hugs.


    TTC #1 since 10/2010 RE consult 6/2011 PCOS (known) MFI IVF #1 w/ICSI 2/2012 BFP TRIPLETS our angels grew wings at 19.5 weeks 6.25.12 IVF #2 2/2013 Sono shows tissue Hysteroscopy needed Changing RE Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers ~~~all welcome~~~
  • I'm so sorry about the loss of Lillian. We lost our little girl after 2 days- had an emergency c-section due to decreased movement.  I was told to wait at least 6 months, (it took 9) and will plan another scheduled c-section. I think I could have tried for a vbac, but I want the baby out earlier. I was told they won't induce you if you've had a c-section previously. 

    On another note, make sure you take time to grieve your loss. Pgal is hard, and it's important that you acknowledge the traumatic event that has happened and deal with the many different emotions in a healthy way. <3

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  • I'm so very sorry for the loss of your daughter.  I can't answer your question, but I hope that you'll be able to find support here on this board.
    Mom to Eliott Alexander, born sleeping at 37 weeks on 8/13/10. Most of us only dream of angels - I held one in my arms.
    BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
    BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
    Too beautiful for this earth
    BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12
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    I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. My experience was different and I did not have a c-section. I am so glad that you found us here. The ladies are amazing and all have wonderful understanding. I hope you can find some comfort and support with us.

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers


  • Hello I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet baby girl Liliian. I lost my DD at 38 wks 4 days and I had a c sections as well. MyMFM told me to wait 3 months since you truly heal internally by 8 weeks. Also I am or was 38 so time was not on my side at all. I ended up getting pregnant with my rainbow baby after 6 months. I think you will know when the time is right. It is hard being pregnant after losing a baby. The emotions are so tough this new normal is so hard and please be easy on yourself you will know in your heart when you are ready. We are all here for you.


    DS- Brenden born 11/13/93 Missed miscarriage on March 6, 2007 @ 9 weeks D&C on March 8th 2007. Riley Annalise born 2/25/08 ( 3 weeks early weighing 8 lbs 12.8 oz.) Chemical pregnancy 3/2010. Sydney Adriana born sleeping on 9/30/11 weighing 10lbs 3 oz at 38wks 4 days. Trinity Alivia born via c section at 36 wks 4 days weighing 9 lbs. 5.7 oz. She is our amazing rainbow baby!!! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PGAL buddy drvst8
  • I did not have a c-section nor a placental abruption, but I wanted to say how sorry I am for the loss of your daughter.

    Severe endo & fibroids, IVF #1 BFP with twins, Gabriel Mark (5/20/12) & Zachary David (5/24/12)- said goodbye to my two angels at 17 weeks due to pprom. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    IVF#2 FET 9/24, Beta #1 10/3...

    My Blog:

  • I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter Lillian, what a beautiful name.  I am so sorry you find yourself here, but it is helpful to know you are not alone and that other's understand and feel your pain.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Ticker below--




    Hello there. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I lost my son from a placental abruption as well. It was a concealed abruption and must have been a small, slow one. We had no idea it had happened until even hours after he was born and by then it was too late. I also had a c-section and we were told 6 months was when we could try again. ((hugs)) thinkng of you

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    I am so sorry for the loss of your Lillian. Such a beautiful name. We lost our Patricia at 31 weeks. She passed away quietly in the womb and the doctors were not able to determine a cause. I have no experience with c-sections, but I wanted to say that I am glad you have found this board and hope it can be helpful to you as it has me. 

      Our Angel Patricia born sleeping 3/30/12 at 31 weeks
    Our Fighter Anna born early 1/8/13 at 26 weeks
    Hoping to bring home #3 due 9/9/15
  • Thank you all so much. I appreciate your words of support.
    Mommy to an angel who got her wings at 34 weeks.
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