Food Allergy

scope on tuesday

So.... DD is getting worse with her eating and mucusy diapers, so I called GI doctor. I thought I would have to scream for a scope, but he suggested getting her in soon to do one, so we do it Tuesday. It kinda scares me that he sounds worried now, as it makes it feel like it is not just in my head. For moms who have had their kids have the upper GI scope with biopsy, please tell me it is a piece of cake. I also have to have her get tubes, so we have to put her under 2 times! DS got tubes at 12 months, so I have been through it, but it is so scary. What if the scope tells us something really bad? Anyone out heir with some reassurance? I could totally use it right now! And, worst partDH is out of town on business. Ugh. So, I asked my dad to come up and be with me. Not sure I could do this one on my own. Really wish DH could he there though!

bumping from my phone
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Re: scope on tuesday

  • Sorry to see your update.  My DS didn't get scoped for his issues, as we were able to try a few non-invasive things until we found the right treatment.  But I work as a nurse in endoscopy.  Not with kids but I do have a background with scopes. 

    Did he explain what they are looking for?  For your DD, I'd imagine they are checking her for celiac disease, eosinophilic esophagitis and H pylori.  H pylori is a common bacterial infection and can be treated with antibiotics.  Celiac is a gluten intolerance and gluten is in many foods.  Eosinophilic esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus that is often caused by food allergies.  They treat that by eliminating those allergens from the diet and with a proton pump inhibitor drug like Prevacid or Nexium.  They also sometimes treat the esophagitis with inhaled steroids. 

    Is there any way that the tubes and EGD could be done at the same time so that she gets anesthesia only one time?  Are they doing both procedures at the hospital?  Maybe they could coordinate both the GI doc and ENT doc's schedule so they could do both procedures together. I know it is scary but I'm sure they'll take great care of her.  It's always worse for mom and dad than it is for baby. 

    Good luck!!!

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  • DS had both an upper GI scope and a colonoscopy.  Aside from the colonoscopy prep, it was a piece of cake.  Seriously, no big deal.  It's super fast.

    And ditto the PP - do everything you can to get both surgeries done together.  I had to get my gallbladder out a few years ago, and thought well heck why not get my tubes tied while I'm under?  I was able to coordinate with both the general surgeon and my OBGYN, switched hospitals, and got it all done in one fell swoop.  You'll probably be told no at first, but stick with it.  You might get to have her put under just once!

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