TTC after 35

Starting to rebound... how y'all doing?

My package of 50 OPKs and 20 HPTs (all Wondfos) just arrived from online. My chart is giving me hope that I will get my period on time. And Dhreczuk has a BFP.

I'm feeling like I may not be out of the game yet...

How y'all faring this mid-week?


"You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was." 
        -- Abraham Lincoln

                           Me:39  MH:39 
DD born 6/1/2013 after 15 months of TTC with one loss.    
TTC #2: BFP 4/22 but stalled growth and no HB at 9w3d on 5/30        

<a href="" style="font-size:smaller;" >
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>

Re: Starting to rebound... how y'all doing?

  • Just got back to the office from getting my HSG - piece o cake.  My doctor is very hopeful this will do the trick (no issues found) so I'm feeling great!  Hoping to O this weekend and praying this is our month.  And Dhreczuk not only got her BFP - she and I go to the same RE office so I hope this is a sign!!!
    Me: 37 DH: 37 TTC since Jan 2012. RE consult and initial testing done in Aug 2012: SA fine, AMH 1.1 & HSG clear - on way to IUI but got BFP on 9/10/2012. m/c 10/3/2012 at 6w5d. BFP next cycle which was a c/p. IUI #1: Clomid 100mg 12/6= BFN. IUI#2 (unmedicated) Jan 2013 = BFN. Hysteroscopy 1/25/13. IUI#3 Clomid 100mg 2/23 = BFN IUI# 4: BFN. IVF #1 April 2013, BFP!  EDD 1/12/14 with Boy!
  • Going a little 2WW crazy right now! 

    Actually my average LP since I've been charting has only been 10 days with the longest being 12 so 2 weeks of waiting has yet to be the case for me.  I'm at 8DPO and thought for sure I would see the temp start to dip again this morning because I started feeling PMS crampy last night but it actully went back up again and my BBs are killing me (which they have been getting pretty sore before AF the last few cycles but right now I swear they might explode) so there is still some hope.

    Me 39 & suspected PCOS, DH 42. Went off BCP when we got married in 11/11, seriously TTC since 3/12.  Six cycles of clomid = BFNs.  Suspected endometriosis & HSG showed both tubes blocked.  Sept 2013 IVF 5D transfer of two perfect embryos = BFN.  Started acupuncture and taking time off to drop some pounds & get healthier before FET in April 2014.
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  • I'm feeling hopeful that this clomid will work and I may actually ovulate this month!!!
    Me:39 DH:35, trying for our first baby! Proud mom to 3 boys, 18,13, and 8 yrs old image
    My Ovulation Chart
    || Ovulation Tracker
  • my temps have stayed above FF preceived coverline and are in what are my usual BFN cycle range for LP so I'm hoping I'll get AF in a week or so and before I see RE.  

    I have RE appointment on the 31st, hoping to start DHEA under his supervision (i.e. get a presciption because otherwise I have to make another trip to the US to pick some more up).  Also, hoping he'll let us start talking about DE now even though I'm intending to keep trying naturally for the next 3 cycles.

    hope hope hope


    BabyFruit Ticker

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers  Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Breast Cancer diagnosis 12/01/2010 - Survivor and Cancer free as of 03/22/2011
    BFP#1 04/12/201
    1 - fetal demise - MC 05/28/2011
    BFP#2 10/14/2011 - fetal demise - MC 12/13/2011
    BFP#3 05/30/2012 - fetal demise - MC 07/23/2012
    IVF#1 02/14/2013 - 2 Beautiful Blasts transferred
    BFP#4 02/25/2013 - BFP - MC and ectopic 03/06/2013

    IFV#2 07/02/2013 -BFP#5 - 07/07/2013
    1st Beta 07/11/2013 - 483 (9dp5dt) - 2nd Beta 07/13/2013 1006 (11dp5dt)
    1st U/S 07/31/2013 - TWINS! "The Minions"
    IVF#3 BFP#6 09/01/2015 6dp5dt
    1st Beta 09/05/2015 - 105 - 2nd Beta 09/08/2015 335
    1st U/S 09/22/2015 - .......

  • We decided to fit in one more IUI cycle before we leave for our vacation in a couple of weeks. I go back for a follie check on Friday and I'm hoping we'll do the IUIs over the weekend....or should be early next wk at the latest.   I'm looking forward to a change of scenery and a break from all the needles and appointments.  
    Me: 38, PCOS/ DH: 37

    DD born 12.21.09, conceived w/ injects and IUI

    TTC#2 since Nov 2011

    BFP 2.6.12 m/c 6w5d | BFP 5.25.12 c/p

    -Back to the RE-

    3 medicated IUIs, all BFN

    -Taking a break from treatment-

    BFP 11.20.12 ~ EDD 7.28.13

    image image

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    My Chart
  • I'm still waiting for my results from my AMH test it's like they sent it to Syberia or something. I finally feel somewhat normal after our failed IVF cycle and finally scheduled a second opinion for ultrasound and B/w with a new RE and I'm terrified that he will say that we are out of the IVF game but after our phone consult he doesn't think we are so if you ladies have any positive thoughts please send them this way my appt is scheduled for Sept 10th.

    Me 38 MH 41 - TTC since June 2010 - dx with Severe MFI. Straight to IVF with ICSI. IVF #1 - ER 06/13/12 - 9 Eggs Retrieved - 4 ICSI'd - only 2 fert. 06/15/12 - 2DT - 3 cell & 6 cell with fragmentation. Beta 06/29/12 - IVF #1 = BFN. 07/20/12 - WTF Appt -Told by our RE to quit IVF. Second Opinion from RE is good. IVF#2 - November 2012. Estradiol Pills Started 11/6. Stims start 11/16. ER 11/26 - 7 eggs retrieved - all mature. 4 fertilized with ICSI. ET 11/29 Transferred 3 embryos. Beta is 12/10. 1st Beta 81 2nd Beta 160 and 3rd beta 360!!! First U/S 12/21/12 - We saw one beautiful gest. sac. 2nd U/S is 01/04/2013 - H/B 183 02/05/13 - NT Scan - everything looks good and IT'S A BOY!  Aiden was born 08/20/2013.

    IVF #2 is in progress.  ER was 05/12/14 - 11 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized with ICSI.  ET was 05/15/14 - we transferred 3 embryos as we did on the cycle my son was conceived.  We were able to freeze 3 embryos. Beta is scheduled for 05/26/14.  1st beta - 111.  2nd beta - 159 didn't double :( 3rd beta Friday 5/30) - not a lot of hope left. Beta # 3 is 247 - probably ectopic.  Beta # 4 is 813 - possibly vanishing multiple sydrome?  06/05/14 - 5w4days - first U/S - we see a gestational sac and yolk - still have hope!  06/17/14 - 7w1day - U/S and saw and heard the heartbeat - Finally!  06/27/14 - 8w4days - Baby and heartbeat look and sound great :)  EDD 02/01/14 and It's a boy!

     "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."


    BabyFruit Ticker

      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • imageLenox1975:
    Just got back to the office from getting my HSG - piece o cake.  My doctor is very hopeful this will do the trick (no issues found) so I'm feeling great!  Hoping to O this weekend and praying this is our month.  And Dhreczuk not only got her BFP - she and I go to the same RE office so I hope this is a sign!!!

    I hope it is a sign for you!

    nate and teddy
    Me 41 DH 46  Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test. TTC #2 **5th cycle 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
    ** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy is due 04/28/13!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Good luck to everyone!
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  • Was feeling feeling pretty good until my RE visit today..trying to keep positive but it's not easy.. glad to read some good news on this board today.  :)
    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • In 2ww myself. Work is keeping me super busy so waiting hasn't been too difficult this cycle.
    Me 35. DH 35. Start TTC 06/12. DH
  • I'm on Day 5 of stims.  I go in on Friday for an ultrasound to see what's going on in there (I'm hoping something!).  Already feeling the bloat (and I don't even make a lot of eggs, I don't know how ladies who get a lot of eggs at retrieval handle the bloatedness!).

    Me:40 AMA, DH:36 0% morph, TTC#1;
    BFP#1 4/2011, MMC 6/2011 11wks Trisomy 13;
    BFP#2 11/2011, CP
    FSH: 17.9, AMH: 2.2
    IVF#1 w/ICSI: ER 4/3: 5R,4M,4F
    ET 4/6 All 4 (1-8A+, 2-8A-, 1-3A) BFP#3
    Two weeks of beta hell = Blighted Ovum
    IVF#2 Aug/Sept: ER 8/27: 4R,3M,3F
    ET 8/30 (1-8A+, 1-6A+)
    Beta#1 9/10: 350; Beta#2 9/12: 796; Beta#3 9/20: 9155
    Expecting Boy/Girl Twins! My babies were born 4/23/13 at 36w1d!


  • Nothing going on here but like Owl said...good luck to you all!

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



         image   imageimage

  • You just reminded me that I need to order some Wondfos...I haven't used them before but have read that a lot of you use them.  That way, I can test whatever day I want rather than just using the 3 measly pregnancy tests that come in the Target brand box at the very end of my cycle. 

    Feeling kind of excited to be starting injects...the more I read about them being more effective than Clomid the sooner I want to start the shots.  BUT if this is another 33 day cycle I'll have to wait awhile... 

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  • I think my 2WW is over tomorrow.  Took a FRER (actually 3) this week and all have been negative.  Possibly a visit from AF tomorrow.  Not feeling particularly hormonal, but we'll see.  On to the next month!
  • I started back to work on the 13th after four years of not working, and I am exhausted! Finally putting my degree to work, but man, I am wiped!

    Got kicked out of that wedding, though, so that was a good thing.

    "Don't look back, you can never look back." - Don Henley
  • Doing fine.  Trying to get my prescriptions sorted through mail order which is a little annoying.  Plus I may have to get the needles separately since NY doesn't allow fax or call in for needles, apparently.  Other than that craziness, well.. there's the rest of life Hmm
    Us: 39(me)/41(he). TTC since April '11. DOR/MFI. March '12: surgery to remove fibroids, cysts, and endometriosis.
    IVF #1: 9/13/12. ER: 9/25. 3R, 2M, 1F. ET: 9/28 (1-6B). Beta: moved from 10/11 to 10/10: BFN.
    IVF #2: 11/12 cycle postponed due to Sandy and then cancelled due to elevated E2.
    IVF #2.1 cancelled due to cyst.
    IVF #2.2: 2/2/13. Converted to IUI. BFN
    IVF #3.0: 3/2014. BCP & Microdose Lupron.  Cycle cancelled due to poor response.
    IVF #4.0: 2/2015. EPP @ new RE. ER: 3/8. 3R, 3M, 1F. ET: 3/11 (1-8cell). 3/23 Beta: 16.9. 3/25 Beta: 71.6. 3/27 Beta: 300. 3/29 Beta: 800 3/31 Beta: 1816. 4/1 Beta: 4342. m/c at 6w2d. Goodbye little one. I loved you already.
    P/SAIF Welcome.
    My Blog
    imageimageBirthday image

  • A-OK, here. Decided to take September off from the RE and re-group in October.  In September, I am just going to go for my annual pap and mammogram.  Also, I made an appointment to check in with a hematologist on my elevated lupus anti-coagulant, as well as a second opinion appointment with another RE at a large clinic here in Chicago.  I want to make conditions as best as possible for the upcoming FET to work.

    DOR and AMA
    2/12-5/12: 4 IUI cycles = all BFN;
    7/12: DE IVF # 1 (with ICSI)- 20R, 16M, 14F, 5DT of 2 blasts; 6 frosties = BFN;
    Lupus anticoagulant initially high, then found to be normal on hematology consult;
    Follow up testing in September all clear;
    Started synthroid for "high normal" TSH;
    FET # 1- late October 2012- BFP on FRER; beta # 1- 21(low), beta # 2- 48 (still low), beta # 3- 132, beta # 4- 1,293; beta # 5- 5,606; last beta- over 100,000. First u/s 11/21- heard heartbeat
    12/12- Officially an OB patient!
    Level 2 ultrasound at 20 weeks shows vasa previa and VCI
    Referral to MFM and mandatory c section for delivery
    Beautiful baby girl born at 34 weeks
    Finally home after 15 day NICU stay!
    Trying for sibling: FET # 2- May 2014; beta 5/31, BFN
    FET #3, early July 2014; beta 7/14, BFN
    DE IVF # 2- August 2014; 14R, 13M, 11F, 5dt of 2 blasts (3 AA), 5 frosties = BFN
    FET #4- December 2014, yet another BFN

    Dr. KK work up shows borderline uterine blood flow, elevated NK cells, and MTHFR mutation (homozygous for c677t)

    Added baby aspirin, prednisone, supplements, Metanx, and intralipids

    Switched to large clinic for final attempt; had endometrial receptivity testing in January; FET March 2015 = yet another BFN

    Likely OAD- NBC

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