
Minivans, LATCH, and Convertible Car Seats...OH MY!

Ummm...why do MINIVANS have only one set of latch hooks in the back row? I thought these were designed for FAMILIES. Guess we'll be sticking with seat belt installs.

Also, does anyone have 3 convertible car seats in a row? What brands are they?
DD#1 is in a britax, which I would like to stick with, but I don't think we can fit 3 in the same row.

We have a 2008 Chrysler T&C 2008. We can fit 3 chicco 30s in a row. I really want to keep one of the captains chairs down so that we can get to the back row easier. It doesn't matter to me if DD#1 is in the middle or back row (right now she's in the captain chair).

Thanks ladies.  

Wife. MoM {1G + BBG triplets}. DIY'er. Quilter. 

Re: Minivans, LATCH, and Convertible Car Seats...OH MY!

  • Not all minivans have just one set of lower anchors in the third row.  The Honda has two lower anchors in the outboard positions of the third row and it has top tethers for all six passenger seats (2nd and 3rd row) assuming you have the fully functional middle seat in the second row.

    For seating configurations for your car though I'd check on and ask in their forums.  You don't have to join to post and their search function generally pulls up everything you want in terms of answers anyway.  The common recommendation is Diono/Radian because they are narrow. GL!

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  • I don't understand how not being able to use a LATCH equates to not being family friendly.

    Our minivan is configured such that 2 of the kids are in the 3rd row.  The 3rd child is in the 2nd row (behind passenger), and the other 2nd row captain's chair is in the basement.

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  • The narrowest convertibles on the market are the Diono Radians.  It's what we have and I love them.  It's the last car seat you have to buy, because it converts to a booster that will take up to 120 lbs.  You can also keep them RFing to 45 lbs.  I don't have three in a row since I just have twins, but I could easily do three across the back of my Honda CR-V.  I know people who have put three across the back of a sedan.  You can do seat belt or latch install with them.


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  • I have Radian (3). We had all three in the third row of Caravan. We now have Sienna and have all three in the middle row (we have the van that seats 8)
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  • Just wanted to add that there is no difference in the safety of a seat belt install vs. LATCH.  I confirmed this with the car seat specialist at our fire department earlier this summer because I am moving one or two convertible car seats to the third row to make room for an infant carrier.  My minivan only has one LATCH seat in the third row, so I was happy that this is not an issue.
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  • Ditto the others. Only having LATCH in one seat in the row does not make it nonfamily friendly. A seat installed properly with LATCH is just as safe as a seat installed properly with a seatbelt. LATCH just makes it a bit easier to get the proper install. Also, LATCH would move the seats closer to the center of the row whereas the seatbelts would allow the seats on the ends of the row to be closer to the windows.
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  • Ditto the others about latch vs belt safety... I actually think to a point LATCH offers a false sense of security because many people don't realize you can only use LATCH until the LO is a certain weight.

    We have a 2000 grand caravan and have the twins in the 3rd row and DS in the middle passenger capt's chair w/ the drivers capt chair removed.

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