Cloth Diapering

lets talk minky

I just got a new FB Elite and it has a minky insert. Somewhere I read that minky is antimicrobial. But its a synthetic so does that mean there is a chemical added to make it antimicrobial?

Anyhow, what do you all think of minky? 

Re: lets talk minky

  • kcamkcam member
    I'm also interested to find out more about this. My fav used to be the Bummis Easy Fit but they changed them from bamboo/microfiber to minky and I just don't like it! I have one of the new ones with minky and they feel super wet and heavy after she's wet, they don't seem to be as absorbent as my other diapers. Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image
  • I'd like to bump this too the front page again. I know it's way old but I'm interested in more minky reviews from y'all.
    BLAD reppin'

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  • I'm not a fan. I just don't like synthetics. They feel plastick-y to me.

    It's like putting fake fur on your baby's bottom.
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