
DH doesnt get it

We have 5 weeks til we most likely will be giving birth to babies that are 6 weeks early.  Well there is so much to be done and I keep getting told "I will do it tomorrow".  I cant do it and tomorrow never comes.  The stroller has been sitting in the living room for 3 days in the box.  He was home all day 2 of those days. I have no one close to me that can come help even keep the house clean not to mention do baby things.  Do I feel bad that DH has to do it...yeah.  is there anything I can do about
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Re: DH doesnt get it

  • First of all, I am sorry you are on bedrest! About DH... Oh man! I know exactly how you feel! My DH was THE SAME way before I gave birth. The "tomorrow" thing got on my nerves BIG TIME!!! When they set our induction date though he "woke up" and actually finished up evrything, while I was in the hospital. What I did is I made up a list of things for him to do, and when he realized that there is so much to be done, and the babies are coming in less than 2 weeks, he actually finished everything! So do not despair! I do feel your pain though! It is the most frustraiting thing ever!?
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  • you are right- you never know when the babies will be there.... but if it makes you feel any better- the only thing you REALLY need ready for babies when they come home are:

    -car seats installed properly (you could call your local police office and see if the trained officer can come to your house - ours did b/c i was on bed rest).

    -somewhere for them to sleep - bassinet/crib

    -bouncy seats

    -some cleaned clothes (don't wash too many though b/c they might grow out of them fast and you can't exchange w/out tags)

    We got all our stuff ready and then surprise- DS was born 4w early - but honestly- we didn't use 1/2 the stuff for a while.

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  • I've been getting the same thing from DH and it's getting really old.  I figure I need to hire a "wife" to help me do all of these things that I can't do.  I'd say hire another husband but that would be useless.

    I hope he gets how little time you may have left and starts making progress. 

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