Just curious, what with all the focus on ttc and ovulating and timing everything right, how do you keep it fun when the schedule says "do it today!" and life/work/busy schedule/whatever gets in the way or one of you is just not in the mood.

BFP with #1 (twins!) 11/18/2011 - missed m/c at 8weeks3days; d&c 1/19/2012; myomectomy to remove 18cm+,10cm & 5cm fibroids 4/2012; TTC again 7/2012; BFP #2 (twins) 11/13/2012; missed m/c at 7weeks;
BFP #3: baby girl born 3/5/2014
Balaustine: an anthology about wanting family
Re: let's talk about sex
MH is ALWAYS in the mood. He's never not in the mood. If he were in a coma, he'd be in the mood.
We have had 2 BD marathons where we BD once a day from the day after my last period day to the day after I ovulate. Most of those, we have "quickies" (which MH has nicknamed "Mr. Thrustingtons" for some reason) because on days that I work (12-13 hour shifts), I'm tired and just want to get the deed done and also if I have a good time, then I'm up for HOURS which is no good if I have to get up early for work the next day as well.
To keep it fun-- we just joke around. MH does things like come up with nicknames for BDing vs sex-for-love/fun/sex purposes, he strikes funny poses and I humour him by laughing so he thinks he's the funniest guy in the world, we mix up the location/positions, etc.
But honestly-- MH is like a 15 year old boy and loves it when I tell him we're going to marathon it. Most of the time, he'll even ask if we need to BD twice. Um, no-- I need to walk the next day, thanks!
My aunt, though, told me she had to make a nice dinner and pour some wine to convince my uncle that it was sex for romance and not just a job... She had some IF issues, so she said sometimes, she had to up the ante by wearing some sexy lingerie...
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
Been struggling with this too lately. I did break out the sexy undies this past time and that seemed to do the trick but don't think that will work for every time.
Oh an Petra....glad to see I wasn't the only one to get that song stuck in my head after reading the subject line ;-)
Thanks guys! I wish my husband was like a 15-yearl old! Or like he was in college when we couldn't get enough of it.
I feel your pain tampabayRN, my husband's got the libido of a turtle too, and then of course the days I'm totally not fertile are the ones where he wants to jump me... not that I mind but it'd be kind of nice if he was a little more horny on the days we've got a chance. Might have to break out the sexy lingerie this week - it's been a while since I've tried that one.
BFP with #1 (twins!) 11/18/2011 - missed m/c at 8weeks3days; d&c 1/19/2012; myomectomy to remove 18cm+,10cm & 5cm fibroids 4/2012; TTC again 7/2012; BFP #2 (twins) 11/13/2012; missed m/c at 7weeks;
BFP #3: baby girl born 3/5/2014
Balaustine: an anthology about wanting family
I've been watching Rescue Me on Netflix.
Never thought of Denis Leary as sexy, but now... dunno know why but it's been helping. Guess it doesn't hurt that DH has the same height, build and colouring of DLeary.
I need Season 6 and 7 - pronto.
Breast Cancer diagnosis 12/01/2010 - Survivor and Cancer free as of 03/22/2011
BFP#1 04/12/2011 - fetal demise - MC 05/28/2011
BFP#2 10/14/2011 - fetal demise - MC 12/13/2011
BFP#3 05/30/2012 - fetal demise - MC 07/23/2012
IVF#1 02/14/2013 - 2 Beautiful Blasts transferred
BFP#4 02/25/2013 - BFP - MC and ectopic 03/06/2013
IFV#2 07/02/2013 -BFP#5 - 07/07/2013
1st Beta 07/11/2013 - 483 (9dp5dt) - 2nd Beta 07/13/2013 1006 (11dp5dt)
1st U/S 07/31/2013 - TWINS! "The Minions"
IVF#3 BFP#6 09/01/2015 6dp5dt
1st Beta 09/05/2015 - 105 - 2nd Beta 09/08/2015 335
1st U/S 09/22/2015 - .......