
newborn photography with a preemie and a random AW

Did you do newborn photos with your preemie? My best friend is a newborn photographer and she has a studio in her home. She actually lives two houses down from me. My LO just came home from the NICU on saturday and she wants to do his newborn pictures tomorrow. Do you think thats too soon? I feel ok about it since  its not like I'm going to a place like Jcpenney or something. She's only two houses away and shes a very clean person with her props and things, but she has a 3 year old son that goes to daycare and I'm a little worried about him spreading germs.

My husband really wanted to wait until our LO was older but my friend is worried he wont be sleepy enough for pictures if we wait. My husband is going to be WAY overprotective of our little guy, he actually called the NICU to see what they thought about getting his pictures done so soon. They said they don't see a problem with it since its just at a friends house. She does all kinds of fancy poses with newborns like with his head resting on his hands and stuff like that...I kinda feel bad messing with him too much since he just got out of NICU and is soo tiny!

I'm just curious if you got newborn pics done with your preemie and how long after birth that you waited.

Oh and a little AW, we just got back from his first doctors appointment and he is up almost a whole pound from his birth weight. He went from 4 lbs 5 oz to 5 lbs 2 oz in his short 18 days on earth so far :) I thought that was pretty good gain!!

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Re: newborn photography with a preemie and a random AW

  • I would see if she could set up in your house. That is what our photographer did when Dom came home.  Since you LO just came home on Saturday  would wait if she won't do it at your house.

    Either way, Dom had his photos taken just before his EDD, and he had been home for a while.  That put him around 1.5 months old.  Little babies will still be sleeping for a while.

    Married 05.19.07 | Together since 03.11.00 | Dom Born 02.06.12 
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  • We did ours at 5 days adjusted. I'm so glad we did, I cherish the pictures. I second PP seeing if she can do it at your house.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
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  • We certainly did! There is a wonderful organization called Pictures of Hope that we went through, so our NB photos were actually done while still in NICU ( He was about five weeks old/35 GA.


  • we just got Julia's pictures done yesterday (1 week after NICU discharge).  The photographer came to our house,but I probably would have been okay going to a  private home to get the pics done.
    DD#1, Alexa, Born 8/08; TTC # 2 since 3/2010; 8 IUI BFN; 1 cervical pregnancy in April 2011; IVF #1 Dec 2011 worked. EDD = 9/7/12. Bedrest starting 6/4/12. Julia Mae born 7/1/12, home 8/12/12. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • We did pictures of hope as well (amazing organization!!) and then some of the new born pics in the hospital before he left. I had already told a photographer we would do newborn pics with her before he surprised us and came early but we are going to do them this fall after the leaves change and at a park. He will be about 4 months actual 2 months adjusted when we get them. 

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

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  • We had a photographer come into the NICU at my sons 1 month and we were discharged on his 2 month. We did his "newborn" pictures 5 days after he was discharged. So glad we did. Can we how tiny he still was when he came home.
    Mom to former 30 weeker born early to Pre-E. Now happy, health and growing at home!
  • We did newborn photos of Caroline when she was 25 days old, it actually just worked out that way. We had the photographer come to our house and she took them. I felt more comfortable that way, being in my own home etc. Could you ask her to come to you??



  • We actually had a photographer (the same one who did our wedding and maternity photos) come to the NICU to take some photos when he was about a month old, and then she also came to our house to do an official 'newborn' shoot when he was 11 days old adjusted (about 3 weeks after he came home). 

    I don't see a problem in taking your LO to your friend's house for photos, but if she could come to your house that would probably be ideal. 


    Mr. & Mrs. 10/2/10 | Dx w/PCOS March 2011
    BFP - 7/25/11 | EDD 4/3/12 | C-section 2/7/12 @ 32 weeks 
    BFP - 1/07/14 | EDD 9/20/14

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  • We had newborn pictures done last Saturday--about 1.5 weeks before his EDD (which is today).

    I would imagine that your LO will still be pretty sleepy and cooperative for pics for a while, even past his EDD. And I agree with PP--see if she is willing to come to your house and set up, rather than taking LO there with another child. Since she's so close and a friend, I am sure she'll understand and be flexible.

    And congrats on the weight gain! :) 

    TTC#1 since May 2011

    BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks

    BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d

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