I'm exhausted. Granted, it's only week 2. My head is pounding today because I'm so tired.
I feel terrible because I'm basically just wishing his life away by wishing he'd start STTN. DH's long hours (sun-up to after sun-down) don't really help either...
Nothing really to say, just wanted to let you all know that I'm getting my butt kicked over here.
Re: 3u3 is kicking my butt!
Ditto. I'm not even on my own yet. Tomorrow is DH's first day at work.
PS. We have kids pretty close in age, eh? It's hard. :S
Our kids ARE close together. We will also be married 5 years this year! Ha! It is hard...but yesterday was just one of "those" days - and I'm hoping today is much better!
I feel for you! My older two are close to your older two's ages, and my #3 is now 3 months old. There definitely have been some days where I thought I would snap. But it's already a lot easier now that she's 3 months, so hang in there. It will be easier and you will have a new routine before you know it.
Do your older two nap together? I got my kids on the same nap time, so I could take naps with the baby in the afternoon. That helped a lot.