Cloth Diapering

wool cover

I tried out my wool cover for the first time last night.  I used about 1/2 inch of lansinoh lanolin and some eucalan wash.  I put it on over a kissaluvs fitted.  She woke up wet. Sad

I am going to wash and lanolize again.  Any suggestions? Should I use a lot more lanolin? I want it to work.  They looked so cute and comfy.

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Re: wool cover

  • How wet was the fitted when you took it off?  Wool will only work as well as the diaper underneath.  You may need more absorbency in the diaper itself.
  • I also use a kissaluvs fitted with a wool cover they work great for me,you may need to make sure to put and extra insert and make sure all the ruffles are inside all around the legs,also make sure you did several wash to the fitted in case is hemp.
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  • Had the wool cover been thoroughly prepped before? Or did you buy it new? If you bought it new, I recommend contacting Green Mountain Diapers for a little extra help on lanolizing wool for the first time. Also, what kind of wool cover is it? Some covers are better suited for day use, while others are great for night.Good luck!
  • Thanks for the tips! Both the fitted and the wool cover were new.  The fitted I washed 3 times and it has a bamboo inner layer.  So, I will wash it a few more times to see if it gets more absorbent.  The wool cover I bought from myecobaby on etsy.  The description said washed but not lanolized.  I would say the cover was damp but not soaked.  I will also try putting an  insert in the fitted.  My poor baby isn't going to be able to sleep because her bottom is going to be 2 feet in the air! lol
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  • It's possible that you have a very heavy wetter and the kissaluvs fitted/cover combo isn't going to be enough for overnight. Our kissaluv fitted is only enough for naps (and even then, barely), and I retired the Kissaluv wool cover we bought almost immediately because it just wasn't working well enough. I recommend interlock wool with a fitted like Sbish, B4 or TT (if you can get your hands on one). We use Sbish with an extra hemp doubler, so we have tons of absorbency in there and a very fluffy bum for bed. Before throwing in the towel with Kissaluvs, though, definitely re-lanolize the cover and add some absorbency in the fitted. Hopefully that'll do the trick!

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