
Waiting to Adopt Check-in 08/20

This is a place for anyone in the waiting-to-adopt phase to check in.  Lurkers welcome! Whether you're still checking out different agencies and programs or you're bringing your child home tomorrow, this is for you! 

1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? 

2) Where in the process are you?

3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?

4) Most encouraging moment last week?  

5) Biggest challenge of this week?  

6) Anything else you want to share?

7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world?

TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
SA February 2011: Normal
RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI

Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption

Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
Court trip October 2012
Home November 24 2012!

Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues: 

Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count 
Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???

Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013

Adding a Burden

Re: Waiting to Adopt Check-in 08/20

  • IRRIRR member


    There was nothing really new last week...

    1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? Domestic infant adoption.

    2) Where in the process are you? BM going for her 24 (23.5wk) ultrasound this week.

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?  Not related to Adoption but I was sent a 3 month contract to start working this week and hopefully I start tomorrow.

    4) Most discouraging moments last week?  Our doctor recommended that we have a Perinatologist present at this weeks sonogram since they were concerned about size at the 20 week.  Searched high and low for one even called the hospital and there are NONE within 50 miles of the hospital.  Also wanted our BM to have a Quad 4 screening and her doctor outright refused since he said BM refused it at 16 weeks and now "it is too late".

    5) Biggest challenge of this week?  Being patient and waiting for this weeks doctor report on the health of the baby.

    6) Anything else you want to share? Had a wonderful weekend celebrating my birthday with my family and told my niece (now 10) that she will no longer be the youngest grandchild in the family.  She can't wait to start babysitting.  We told her 5-6 years.

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world?

    My consulting contract should take me to about 2 weeks prior to birth of our child.  Ideally would like to stay home for the first year.  After that would love some part time work so I can start the college savings fund but still be around to do all of the mommy stuff SAHM's do with their children.  We shall see if things change once we have our child home.


    Failed Matches - December 2012, May 2013, December 2013
    Moved on to  gestational surrogacy with a family friend who is our angel and due 7/23/15

  • 1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? DD was Domestic NB, Finalized 7/20/11, currenting fundraising for adoption #2 from Colombia (infant)

    2) Where in the process are you? I *think* we've picked our agency, just waiting for a little more information, and we are fundraising, fundraising, fundraising!

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? We hit our 4 month fundraising goal within 2 months!

    4) Most encouraging moment last week?  While doing a party for fundraising, I shared our Colombian adoption plan, and a woman came up after and told me all about her granddaughter who had just gotten home from Colombia- it made it all feel so much more real.

    5) Biggest challenge of this week? Staying focused.  We have to decide if we're better off renewing our current home study (it will be good another 18 months, and then we can renew it for 12 months after) or if we should just let it lapse and start the process over again once we can actually sign up for our agencies Colombian program (DD has to be 30 months, and she's just shy of 17 right now).

    6) Anything else you want to share?

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world? I am blessed that I am now a SAHM.  I work one day a week in a natural baby boutique (slinging cloth diapers and baby carriers in combination with upscale baby items) which I adore.  Aside from having more babies in our home to care for I don't think I could be any more content!
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  • 1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? Domestic Infant

    2) Where in the process are you? Waiting, technically matched but we might move on from that one due to ICWA.

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? Getting our profile activated Friday!

    4) Most encouraging moment last week?  Getting contacted by 2 BMs within 3 days of our profile being activated.

    5) Biggest challenge of this week?  Trying to decide if we should move forward with our first match despite the challenges of ICWA and waiting for second contact with a potentially IDEAL situation.

    6) Anything else you want to share?

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world? I am very lucky that I will be able to be a SAHM as soon as our baby arrives.  This was always the plan and we are glad to be able to do it.
    Married Since 09/2006, TTC Since 09/2010 
    DX: Unexplained infertility, DH normal 
    3 Femara cycles - Oct, Nov, Dec 2011, all BFNs 
    IVF #1, ER 2/15 (5R, 4M, 4F), ET 2/18, Beta 2/29 = BFN :( 
    Follistim + IUI on 6/25 = BFN 
    Home Study Finalized 8/14/12! Profile Active - 8/17/12! 
    Officially Matched 8/29/12, Our perfect angel born 9/25/12! 
    Biggest surprise ever, unexpected BFP on 4/12/13! 

     Our Angel through Adoption
     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Our Little Miracle
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • 1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?  Foster-to-Adopt, probably 0-2

    2) Where in the process are you? We are researching and saving money for a larger home - we plan to start the process in June 2013

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? None

    4) Most encouraging moment last week? My mom went through the photolisting with me and gave me her experience on a few of the medical/special needs situations I wasn't familiar with - she is a special needs pre-school teacher and just made me feel so much more confident as to what types of special needs we can handle in the future.

    5) Biggest challenge of this week? Hmmm nothing this week!

    6) Anything else you want to share? No, nothing new

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be? What would you be in an ideal world? I am currently a stay-at-home mom, I'm probably going to be working a seasonal retail job this holiday season and in February I'll start baby-sitting Mon.-Fri. my niece that is due in December.  I'm pretty happy with that, a future of staying home with my kids and my nieces and nephews.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker}



  • imageJenn is Silly:

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world? I am blessed that I am now a SAHM.  I work one day a week in a natural baby boutique (slinging cloth diapers and baby carriers in combination with upscale baby items) which I adore.  Aside from having more babies in our home to care for I don't think I could be any more content!

    I SAH too Jenn, but that sounds like a dream job!!! What kind of fund raising are you guys doing??

    And for the Check In: 

    1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? 

    Agency Assisted DIA 

    2) Where in the process are you?

    Going to Fort Worth for our interviews this week. (Thursday AM, bright and early!!!!!) Last part of the home study process,  *I think! 

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?

    Had our home visit last monday, and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  

    4) Most encouraging moment last week?  

    Finishing the HV.  

    5) Biggest challenge of this week?  

    Getting DH to sit down and talk about the list of preparation questions for the interview.  He is so ready/excited to have a baby, but he is less than thrilled about the process :-(

    6) Anything else you want to share?

    Prayers please that our interview goes well on Thursday, and for safe interstate travels. 

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world? 

    I am currently just a SAHM, but the first two years I SH, I tutored in the afternoons...then I got jealous of all the fun DH and LO were having without me, and decided not to follow the little boy that I was tutoring through High School. This is my ideal for now. I might go back to teaching when the kids are both in school, or maybe I will just sub. That way I will be around school doing things that I enjoy, but without all of the take home work that comes with teaching.  

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  • imagejillianmb:


    1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?  Just starting the process for our third domestic infant adoption.

    2) Where in the process are you?  Profile is almost ready and working on updating homestudy.  I predict we'll be "live" in a matter of weeks... maybe next?!

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?  Not related to adoption #3...but definitely a milestone.  DD2 turns ONE today!  We had a nice birthday party over the weekend.  That said, I am over birthday parties :)  So much work and so much money.  After the first birthday parties for my girls, I plan on keeping them small for a few years... until they know the difference.

    4) Most encouraging moment last week?  We just had a nice week with both of our girls.  They are so much fun at this age.

    5) Biggest challenge of this week?   Homestudy stuff.  No fun.

    6) Anything else you want to share?  It is exciting and fun to get started again.  It's esp nice that I have no empty feeling in me.... my life is so full right now with our two girls and as much as we want a third, I predict this journey will be more fun because we won't be so sad/depressed/concerned during the journey because our wait time won't be filled with emptyness.  Does that make sense? 

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world?     My situation right now is pretty ideal.  I work away from home for three days and then I am at home with them for the rest of the week.  it would be tough to walk away from my job... because I love it... but i'd do it in a heartbeat if I could be a SAHM FT. DH is a teacher... and realistically we will not be able to live where we do on his salary.  We may relocate in the future... only time wil tell.
    image Best friends and sisters... 24 months and 16 months
  • 1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? Intn'l / Russia / 2yo boy

    2) Where in the process are you? waiting to get our court date- hoping late September!

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? I just finished our next visa applications this afternoon.  Hoping to travel in one month for our second of three trips!

    4) Most encouraging moment last week?  Witnessed our friends' infant son baptized into the Greek Orthodox Church.  Our son was likely baptized into the Russian Orthodox church and the services are similar.  I kept thinking about him during the service. 

    5) Biggest challenge of this week?  Heard about a couple adopting from Russia who had some major visa problems and of course I am catastrophizing and wondering "what if that happens to us!?!?!?"

    6) Anything else you want to share? I am just feeling so ready to end this process and move forward as a family.  I have been feeling peaceful about the waiting but at the same time I am dreaming about the day when we can put this whole process behind us.  I want to adopt again, but I will need some recovery time.  Adoption is so draining sometimes!

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world? Combination for me: I work at home as a daycare provider so that I can be at home with our little ones.  Sort of the best of both worlds.  I won't do daycare forever, but as long as we have kids in the home I will do something that allows me to work at home so I can be here with them.  In an ideal world I would blog about 20 hours/week and just do mom stuff the rest of the time, like playgroups etc.

    TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
    SA February 2011: Normal
    RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI

    Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption

    Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
    Court trip October 2012
    Home November 24 2012!

    Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues: 

    Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count 
    Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???

    Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013

    Adding a Burden

  • 1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? 

    IA from Uganda (younger than DS) 

    2) Where in the process are you?

    Just got our biometrics appointments! 

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?

    See above! 

    4) Most encouraging moment last week?  

    See above above! 

    5) Biggest challenge of this week?  

    Apparently I didn't clarify how important these are to DH; I was trying to make plans for us to go ASAP, but the semster is starting (DH and I work with college student ministry), so he's really swamped right now. He was saying we could go in two weeks... I may have lost it on him! We're going this Friday. He even calmed down enough to be willing to go tomorrow, but we couldn't get a babysitter for DS. 

    6) Anything else you want to share?

    Just that after that we will be DONE with things that have to get done as quickly as possible until we accept our referral and I am SO. SO. SO HAPPY. 

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world?
    I SAH with DH, but I WAH 5-15 hours a week. It's pretty awesome, bc I'm meeting with the college women leaders of small groups in our church, so I'm seeing people and talking with grownups and, since they're college students, they don't care if there are toys (and couch cushions) on the floor. E's in a tornado phase (are they ever not in that? it's not a phase, is it?).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    Application approved Dec '11
    Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
    After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
    Homestudy complete July 19
    USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
    Come home, baby A!
  • 1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
    foster>adopt, ages 0-12

    2) Where in the process are you?
    our "forever kids" moved in June 29, we're waiting for the 6mth (trial) period to pass
    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
    the kids had a good 1st week in their new school
    4) Most encouraging moment last week?
    hearing positive things from their teachers
    5) Biggest challenge of this week?
    homework - and it's pretty simple stuff already but neither are independent or overacheivers enough to work independently
    Our whole evening (after getting home from work/appts/sitter) is dinner, clean up, homework, read, ...
    6) Anything else you want to share?
    It's only Monday and I'm looking forward to the weekend.  I have an appt for hair cut and color, then hope to get to the lake one more time for this season, then movies/dinner with the kids!

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be? What would you be in an ideal world?
    Working mom.  The kids go to school where I teach.  I would work part-time and make the same $ (or close to it) as I do now.  I know I have the summers off, but I am very involved in numerous committees/activities and I put my all into my instruction.  I'm still trying to juggle it all and make the best use of any spare time I do have at school.
  • 1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? Domestic Infant

    2) Where in the process are you? We start our home study this Friday!!

    3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? Finally got set up with our social worker late last week, got our fingerprinting done, our references have been contacted, and we start our home study in 3 days!

    4) Most encouraging moment last week? Hearing my mom tell me that she is 99.9% positive she and my dad will be moving back home from FL so they can help us through this entire process as they want to be there to support their first grand child.

    5) Biggest challenge of this week?  Talking with my in laws for the first time in person about our adoption decision. Up until this point, it's only been DH who has spoken with them. There's going to have to be a LOT of education with them.

    6) Anything else you want to share? I am wicked pumped to get going on our home study. I'm so excited to learn more about our process and we will be set up to talk with birth mothers who have already placed their baby for adoption through our agency next month so we can learn more about different levels of openness we need to explore.

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world? In an ideal world, I'd love to be a stay-at-home mom, but I'll have to be a part-time working mama, but only 2-3 days a week, so that's helpful.

    :::Our Adoption Journey:::

    Evan James was born 1/24/13 and matched with us 2/20/13. The LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!
  • 1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? International adoption, ages 0-6 considered. 2) Where in the process are you?Research/early planning 3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?N/A 4) Most encouraging moment last week?  I got registered for the January session of C4C before it filled up in all of half an hour! 5) Biggest challenge of this week?  Waiting, waiting, waiting.   6) Anything else you want to share?N/A 

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world?

    At the moment, I'm a WM.  I had always wanted to SAH, but I am working in the absolute best job imaginable for me and I couldn't ask for a better career to balance work and family.  If it gets to the point where I'd be better off SAH financially, that'll be considered (or if we adopt a child with major special needs), but I'll be working for the foreseeable future.

    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
    BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
    BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
  • imageJenn is Silly:

    7) QOTW: Stay at home mom, working mom, or some combination thereof: What are you? What will you be?  What would you be in an ideal world? I am blessed that I am now a SAHM.  I work one day a week in a natural baby boutique (slinging cloth diapers and baby carriers in combination with upscale baby items) which I adore.  Aside from having more babies in our home to care for I don't think I could be any more content!

    My SIL does this one day a week too!  She loves it. 

    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
    BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
    BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
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