June 2011 Moms

Sleeping issues...night terrors? Help, please!

Another post from me today. :)  Okay...DD is struggling to get a good nights sleep. :(  She's always been an incredible sleeper until about 2 months ago. We used to think it was her teeth, but she cut her molars about 4 to 5 weeks ago, and nothing new is popping through. While she's sleeping at night (doesn't happen during her nap), she will wake up screaming/crying and then go right back to sleep. We aren't sure if she's waking up first and then screaming, or if her screaming is waking her up. She hasn't gone one night without this in the past 2 months. :(  Last night she woke up between 10 and 15 times doing this. It's breaking my heart because I don't know what it is. Any ideas or is anyone else going through this?  For what it's worth, she goes down just fine, so I don't think it's seperation anxiety, but I guess it could be. I don't know....
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Re: Sleeping issues...night terrors? Help, please!

  • I don't have any answers just wanted to say we are going through the same thing for about 2 weeks. We have tried CIO but it she's really upset then I have picked her up for a minute or two. I'm wondering if it could be bad dreams. I see her smiling and almost laughing in her sleep sometimes. so maybe bad dreams are possible too.
  • I've got nothing aside from calling the pedi. I'm sorry Sad It sounds awful for everyone. Hope it gets better soon.
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    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
    DD born 5/15/11
    DS born 11/12/12
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