Baby Names

Am I just going to have to suck it up?

I was feeling really good about our girl name choice and primarily focusing on boy names now.  Our girl name is Camille Julianne. 

 Here's my dilemma.  I'm a teacher and my "no way could I ever use it based on particular students I've had" name is Cameron.  Every Cameron I've ever had has been a total nightmare.  My bro wanted to name his 2nd son Cameron and I was pretty much like "ANYTHING BUT CAMERON!!!!!!!" (we're very close). 

So, when I've mentioned the name Camille to people they're always receptive but almost every single person has said "Oh and you could nn her Cam/Cami".  That is such a Cameron nn!!!!!  We were thinking Millie if we went with a nn at all- which we probably wouldn't- but is this going to be a lifetime of me cringing when people shorten her name to Cam all the time?!?!?

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Re: Am I just going to have to suck it up?

  • It's probably going to happen all the time. Sad  I'm sorry.

    ETA: I don't know if Millie will stick as a nn or if you even want to start with a nn right away, but Mason and Millie sound really cute together!  Maybe start trying it out early and people will start using it instead of Cami? Just a thought.

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  • Yep, I can totally see people doing Cam/Cami. I suppose you'd have to live with it, though I like Millie better than Cam for a nn, as well. Maybe you could try and redeem the name instead of allowing it to forever be a nasty name you hate. Dunno, hope it works out.
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  • Unfortunately, yes. People will call her Cam or Cami. Its going to happen.


  • I agree with PPs that Cam/Cami is a likely nn. Even if you keep her from being called that while she's young, it's definitely possible her classmates and friends will call her Cam when she gets to school.

    I guess I don't know exactly how much you hate the name, and whether you'll be able to get over it, but I wouldn't let this nn stop you. Probably by the time she is called Cam (hopefully later rather than sooner!), it will be okay because it will be associated with your DD and that will be a positive association.

    FWIW, I do know a great Cameron. I promise they aren't all bad! And now that I think of it, he doesn't even go by Cam.

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  • I have 2 cousins named Camille (LOVE the name!), and no one ever calls either of them Cam or Cami.  So, it can be done!

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  • Personally, I don't think of calling a Camillie "Cami". It's such a beautiful name that doesn't even need a nn. But it sounds like others do think of Cami as a nn...
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  • I think it might happen but you, and later she, could always say "actually, I prefer Millie." I think it works great as a nn. Personally I think Camille is so pretty I would probably always want to say the whole thing.
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  • Eh. Ultimately she has the say-so when it comes to which nn's stick. People might try to call her Cami but if she's not receptive it probably won't stick. My name is Melissa but I have always hated Missy and Mel and no one has ever called me that (Well my sister calls me Mel, but I don't mind if she does it). Not even my husband calls me a shortened version of my name. I just never cared for the alternatives from the time I was a young child so nothing ever stuck.

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  • imageDaisyBlinks:
    Cami isn't an intuitive NN for Camille for me. I would think that if you just keep reinforcing that it's Camille or Millie, then you'd be fine. I think Millie is really cute. She may want to go by Cami some day, and at that time--yeah, I think you'd just have to suck it up

    I agree with sll of this. While I don't think Camille needs a nn at all, if I were to choose one, my mind went right to Mila, not Millie or Cam/Cami.



  • I would never think to call someone named Camille Cam or Cami. It's a lovely first name.
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  • If you like Camille, go with it.

    When she gets here (if it's a girl!), you may come up with a zillion different nicknames on your own. You may call her "Camille" all the time. You may end up snapping at someone and saying, "Oooooh. Don't call her Cam. I hate that."

    When you're pregnant, and even can totally get away with that snappy stuff. Make the most of it! 


  • PS: Your little Mason is a doll!!!!
  • SO and I talked about using Camille nn Cami to honor my brother Cameron (I promise he's not a total nightmare). But I think if you consistently said, "actually she goes by Camille," you could stop other people from doing that. That's not guarantee that she won't like Cami and decide to go by it later, you know?


    Jacob, 1/14/13
  • I know a Camille that has never gone by any nickname.  From my experience I have never known anyone just start calling a kid something other than their name unless they hear someone else doing it first.  If people ask "oh do you call her Cami?" you can always just say no.
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  • I personally wouldn't use a nickname. I love Camille, but I'm not a huge fan of Millie. However, I'm sure she will get called "Cam" some.... but I just think that Camille is such a pretty, feminine name, and Cam is much more masculine... I would just call her by her full name.


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  • imageLaineyPaney:
    PS: Your little Mason is a doll!!!!

    Thank you!

    And thanks, ladies.  Your support for the name Camille, in general, is helping me feel great about it again.  I've had 1 student named Camille and I always thought it was so pretty that I never even thought of shortening it and I've never heard any other students call her by anything else- and I think you guys are right that I can respectfully just say she goes by Camille.  I have no interest in nn'ing her (if it's a her!!) at all, but if people shorten it, I'd rather MIllie.

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  • 1) You don't have to have a nn.  I know lots of people who go by their full names.

    2) If you prefer a certain nn, you just have to tell people.  Nobody bats an eye when Andrew says he prefers "Drew" to "Andy".  Christinas go by "Tina" instead of "Christy" all the time.

    3) People will call her whatever name you use to introduce her.  Most people will ask before calling someone by a nickname.  If they don't, they can be ignored or corrected.

  • imagekaylynne:

    1) You don't have to have a nn.  I know lots of people who go by their full names.

    2) If you prefer a certain nn, you just have to tell people.  Nobody bats an eye when Andrew says he prefers "Drew" to "Andy".  Christinas go by "Tina" instead of "Christy" all the time.

    3) People will call her whatever name you use to introduce her.  Most people will ask before calling someone by a nickname.  If they don't, they can be ignored or corrected.

    I agree with all of this.  I do know a Camille who goes by Cami, but I think she and her family like it.  Her mom calls her by it.  I would try to establish the Millie nickname early on.  We are thinking about naming our son (if it's a boy) Griffin, and if we do, when we announce his birth, I plan to put it as Griffin (Finn) MN, because that is the NN we want to use.  Also, my husband's name has a very common NN that he has never gone by (his mom hates the NN) and most people will ask him what he prefers to be called and he just says " I prefer FN" and people honor that.  

    I also think, by the time your daughter gets old enough to choose her own nicknames, if she does like Cam or Cami, or people call her that, you'll just love her so much that you'll forget the Cameron association.  Also, I think Camille and Millie are both lovely!

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  • imagegrahamlove:
    Unfortunately, yes. People will call her Cam or Cami. Its going to happen.

    Not necessarily. If you use MIllie early on as a NN for Camille, it will stick.  

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  • You don't have to have a nn. I have a sister named Cynthia and her name was never shortened to Cindy. If anyone every did shorten it, my parents would politely say, "It is Cynthia, we don;t call her Cindy" She is an adult an is still Cynthia. Our family is not big on NNs, We have a Jacquelyn, Samantha, Cathleen, Allison, Madison......none of these girls go by a just never happened
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