Cloth Diapering


I think my daughter has worn cloth diapers about ten times now as I bought like four to start with...she is 9 months old and has really never had diaper rash. Once in a while, she'll get a tiny spot of redness, I put desitin on it (I know, not CD safe) and it would go away. 

Anyway, the first day I CDed I put her in a BG 4.0 and after an hour and a half her lady parts and butt crack were BRIGHT red. I let her air out well (she was dry going in) and it went away. She didn't get as red from the BG Freetime or the Thirstie's Duo AIO. 

Then, she spent an hour and a half in a Charlie Banana pocket and had a crazy rash - little red bumps all over. It looks to me a lot like heat rash. These diapers have fleece on the inside and she didn't feel wet to the touch, but she was warm/sweatier than normal. 

I'm using Tide Ultra powder, on my next door neighbor's recommendation (we have the same city water) as she has been cloth diapering over two years (she has two under three both in cloth). I have a feeling it is from the Tide not rinsing enough - I prepped the diapers washing with the minimal amount of Tide and like five rinses - hubby thought I was nuts sitting there watching the machine for bubbles. 

I rewashed my whole stash but it has been two days and the rash is still there a bit - we're back in disposables and using desitin like it's going out of style. 

As a side note, she was in prefolds with microfleece liners I made for half of a day, and no rash or redness. 

Could this be a microfiber allergy? or is my gut reaction that it is the tide more likely? 

She has not seemed to have sensitive skin (I've always used regular old Tide for her clothes, sheets, etc), every so often she'll get heat rash and then it will look a bit like eczema for a few days (usually on her face/neck in really hot/humid weather or if she  takes a long nap in the ergo and gets overheated). 


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Re: Rash?

  • It is probably detergent build up that is causing the issue, especially if the diapers have never been stripped. Polyester allergies are very rare and if it were that then you would have noticed by now - she would break out around the wrists and such if a piece of clothing had polyester thread, she would have issues around carpet and polyester stuffed animals... it would be bad. It sounds like she is just sensitive to the detergent in general. I recommend ordering some Pacific Sands Oxygen Bleach (sodium carbonate) to help strip the diapers... it also helps sanitize them. I have been using Soap Nuts from Green Virgin Products for several months now and have had no problems - my DS and I both have sensitive skin :/ I highly recommend the switch, not only because they are hypoallergenic, but they are a lot more economical and environmentally-friendly.
  • My DD had the same rash problem, and I"m beginning to think that when the soap doesn't rinse out the urine somehow causes a reaction when it soaks the cloth with the soap still in it.

    It's taken me 2 months to figure it out.  Kept having to go to disposables too. 

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  • Considering everything had only been washed once or twice, I'm pretty sure they don't need to be stripped yet...I used so little soap I can't imagine there's buildup. I do think there could be residue that mixes with pee and causes a rash.

    I guess it will just be more trial and error til we get it right! 

    Thanks everyone!

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