I love this name.
We're not TTC any time soon but I've told DH I want the stork to bring us a boy next time around.
He's Daniel Gentile, I'm Gianna Christine and we have Olivia Christine (and Baylie Boo).
A baby boy's MN will most likely be Joseph or Anthony (or both, DH's father and grandfather)
Bodhi doesn't fit with our first names (definitely not with our last name) but on its own, Bodhi Anthony is kinda cute!
Sigh, I know have to let it go.
Any suggestions for my not-yet-conceived baby boy?
I also love Domenico, Lorenzo, Asher, Mason, Aiden (I know, I know), Declan and Branden/Brandan
Re: Bodhi
I dislike Bodhi and it's rare for me to actually dislike a name.
I like Brendan and Aidan (with an "a").
Bodie spelled like that, was on our short list. I loved it too.
And while the -Aden names drive me nuts and make my ears bleed, I have always loved the name Aiden. I think its a good name. It gets a lot of haters because folks automatically lump it into the -Aden category, but I just don't think it belongs there.
My other pick out of your list is Lorenzo, only because my inner italian wants a baby boy to nickname Enzo.
Agreed about Aiden. I think it might almost be a point where the Jayden/Caden/Braydens are all more popular than Aiden/Aidan and it might be ok to use again - it did get crazy there for a while!
I'd want to call him Enzo, too!