i have night lights all over now so that i can see if i need to wake up in the middle of the night & i won't have to put the actual lights on. she has one in her room, one in our bathroom which is connected to our bedroom & one in the kitchen
We have a night light in both kid's rooms so we don't have to turn on overhead lights when we go in. We also have them in the hallway outside our room, one in the kitchen and one in our family room. I don't think the kids would notice if they weren't there, but they are a big help for DH and I in the middle of the night.
We have two, one at each end of the crib.. Also her air cleaner lights up as well.. I need the lighting in case she wakes at night and I can see what I am doing.
I voted SS because we are trying different things out. I tried a night light but it would distract him if he'd wake up in the middle of the night. Then we were using the porch light which shines into his room a little. The last few nights I've been using the constellation turtle thing and another night light to see if they help at all. He wakes up so upset sometimes, and I can't figure out what the culprit is. I'm wondering if when it is so dark in there it is scary for him.
Yes, but I only turn it on if I need it so it's not on all night. We room share though, so the glow of the power button on my laptop is kind of a night light (it actually annoys me enough that I sometimes have to cover it up.)
BFP #1: EDD 8/29/11, MMC 1/14/11. BFP #2: Damien Isaac born 12/16/11. BFP #3: Rowen Cole born 7/28/14. BFP #4: EDD 9/16/16.
Re: Night Light Clicky Poll
sibling love
His sound machine has a blue light on it that gives off a good amount of light. Sometimes I put a toy on it to block the light a bit.
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