I thought it might be fun (and reassuring to the newbies on the board) to think of the "oops" moments we had when first starting out. I'm sure I'm not the only one who had them.
Lets see... I used LIQUID All F&C. I kept my wetbag zipped all the time (ew). And I had poor DS's OS cds unsnapped on the highest rise at 15lbs.

What about you?
Re: For fun... what were your newbie mistakes?
Ooh - fun!
-Worst one: putting DD in an OS diaper before she really fit into it. And then laying her down on the bed next to DH. Of course there was a poop leak out the leg.
-Not realizing it would be possible for DD to outgrow part of her NB stash but still not fit into her OS diapers (see mistake noted above).
Biggest yet was letting DH wash her diapers unsupervised the first time. He used liquid Sunlight with no pre-wash or extra rinse then took the pockets out of the dryer and put one on her WITHOUT STUFFING IT...of course her first order of business was a poop. So needless to say I had a busy evening of stripping her diapers and washing our microfiber couch. *facepalm* He now has a nice little cheat sheet taped to the washing machine, not that I think he'll ever forget again.
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
Ali, its best to keep your wetbag unzipped or pail lid open. Circulating air keeps the smell to practically zero. Whereas closed bags/pails reek.
Knowing that we all make mistakes makes it easier on me to prepare for when LO gets here!
My family is a Foreign Service family. Families like mine are posted in every corner of the globe. We live our lives away from family, friends and the conviences and comforts of home. We often live and work in dangerous places among those that misunderstand our intentions and purposes. Sometimes members of our ranks sacrifice our lives to further diplomacy. Please remember that we serve too. And I'm always open to questions.
Rookie mistake: not having CD safe diaper cream on hand or knowing about fleece liners when we brought LO home from the hospital. Poor guy got a little red bum after about 5 days, he was in prefolds/covers and we changed him so frequently, but newborn skin is SOOOOO sensitive he still got a little red. and of course it was a holiday weekend so all the stores were closed and I couldn't go out and buy cream and my poor hormones made me a wreck that night how I messed up our CD experience and I wanted to go back to disposables and throw in the towel (DH talked me off the ledge :-) ). Anyways, we now have a huge stash of liners and different types of cream (CD and nonCD safe), no more rashy mistakes for us.
Oh and DH's mistake: more than once he forgot to put a cover over a prefold during those first few weeks when sleep was a figment of our imagination.
Trying to use Tide when I knew I had sensitivity issues. Her poor little bum.
Starting to use AI2s and not telling dh which ones they were. He started putting fitteds on her without a cover.
One mistake I did NOT fall into was using microfiber inserts. I went hemp right away. I've never had to deal with the inevitable microfiber stink.
LOVE this thread!
I put a load of dirty diapers in the washing machine on top of DH's white dress shirt that he had left in the washer. Obviously it didn't cause any damage...poop washes right out, The shirt didn't have a mark on it... but he still won't let me live it down...
Went to visit my school to introduce DD... changed her in a hurry, put her on my lap and felt a wet sensation running down my leg. When I checked, the insert was sticking out of her pocket diaper...The kids thought it was funny though!
Then there's the old "use a prefold but forget the cover" when you are running on 2 hours of broken sleep...
I know this isn't a "mistake" as such, because I did my research and these things work well for other cd mamas... but coconut oil and tide.. both caused redness on dd's bum... just a reminder that, like in all areas of parenting, there isn't a one perfect fit for everyone! Some experimentation may be necessary when your LO gets here!
Whoa, this just blew my mind. I've never left mine unzipped! I figured it would stink up the entire house if I did.
Buying cheap newborn covers. I figured that he wouldn't be in them long, so they weren't worth getting good ones. After many poop leaks from failing elastic, I was so happy when he fit in OS covers. Next baby is getting the nice newborn covers.