DH and I have decided to TTC #2, but our family (more like my mom) is totally NOT supportive in our decision to have a second kid. This would be why we haven't discussed TTC #2 with anyone except ourselves! My mom has made it MORE than clear that we shouldn't have a second child and that in "this day and age" one child is more than enough. WTH? How is it her decision?! I'm not exactly sure what I want, but just wanted to vent I suppose. Thanks for listening.
Re: Anyone's family NOT supportive of having more than one kid?!
That is a little bizarre. Do you tell her how hard your life is with DC or something?
Have fun trying.
My MIL is like that about us having a third. I'm not sure I even want a third, but she opens her mouth about it way too much.?
Some day I want to tell her I'm pregnant just to see how she reacts...?
My MIL will definitely be upset when we tell her we're pg with #2 (whenever that happens...) she will love the baby & everything, but it will take several months of the pregnancy for her to adjust. She's very... I don't know what the word is... concerned? about the future? She thinks the world is getting out of control, over-populated & all that stuff, so to make up for all the crazy people having 18 kids, normal sane people should only have 1. No more than 2 (essentially to "replace" the parents' place on the earth).