
Anyone's family NOT supportive of having more than one kid?!

DH and I have decided to TTC #2, but our family (more like my mom) is totally NOT supportive in our decision to have a second kid. This would be why we haven't discussed TTC #2 with anyone except ourselves! My mom has made it MORE than clear that we shouldn't have a second child and that in "this day and age" one child is more than enough. WTH? How is it her decision?! I'm not exactly sure what I want, but just wanted to vent I suppose. Thanks for listening.

Re: Anyone's family NOT supportive of having more than one kid?!

  • I go through similar arguments with my mom!  We want 3 kids and she thinks we're crazy!  She also thinks I should hold off ttc #2 until #1 is 5 because it's so much easier.  But, we're doing what we know is best for our family!
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  • That is a little bizarre. Do you tell her how hard your life is with DC or something?

    Have fun trying.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • MIL is like this about more than two. ? (And we want 3)

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  • When we told MIL we were PG with DD#2, she said "Don't you know what's causing that."  "I wouldn't do it to my body again so soon..."  "I don't know how you're going to handle it."  "The second child is always a nightmare."  and "At least maybe this time it will be a boy."  Admittedly, she did want us to have more eventually, but she's along the lines of 4-5 years apart rather than less than 2.  Then again, I don't get along with her ever about anything so why should this be any different?
  • Our families are the same way.  They think 2 is the perfect number.  We want 5 or 6 and everyone thinks we will change our minds but I know we won't.
  • We don't talk money with either set of parents. My ILs watch DS and, yes, I will admit I have complained about somethings they do with him, but overall, they love him and care for him better than any daycare, I think. Also, DH and I work crazy jobs where we both work holidays, evenings, and weekends and you can't find a daycare that is open at these times. So, really, they are a good choice for us (plus they are free). Anyway, my mom says that they wouldn't be able to handle 2 kids at once. Even though DS would be 3 or older before DC #2 would come around. So, he would probably even be in preschool a couple mornings a week. Ugh, this is why when we do get pregnant with #2, it'll be a while before we tell anyone! LOL
  • We got lectured for getting pregnant with Chris.  We were told that it was horrible to have another child because we had enough.  We were also told that the age range was not good.  Like penguingirl, my sister told us that if we wanted another one that we should have waited 5 years since that's the "perfect age range" between kids.  Funny now that her daughter is 18 months and her and her DH are talking about ttc#2.
  • That would so bum me out!!!  You think they would be supportive, it's not like you are the Duggars!  We come from big familys so both sides want us to have more.
  • My MIL is like that about us having a third. I'm not sure I even want a third, but she opens her mouth about it way too much.?

    Some day I want to tell her I'm pregnant just to see how she reacts...?

  • My MIL will definitely be upset when we tell her we're pg with #2 (whenever that happens...)  she will love the baby & everything, but it will take several months of the pregnancy for her to adjust.  She's very... I don't know what the word is... concerned?  about the future?  She thinks the world is getting out of control, over-populated & all that stuff, so to make up for all the crazy people having 18 kids, normal sane people should only have 1.  No more than 2 (essentially to "replace" the parents' place on the earth).   

    ~Melissa~ married to Cris 08.13.04 mom to Tyler 01.12.07 donate to my cause
  • IL's were not even supportive of us having ONE much less two. We aren't trying for #2 yet but when we do, I'm sure it will be a huge issue. When we had DS, he was a surprise, but we were overjoyed! My IL's however acted like we were terrible people for even having a baby and she literally asked me if I knew what the pill was. They have never showed much interested in DS. They're just crazy! So whatever. They think that if we both aren't making over 6 figures, we shouldn't have any kids. Oh well. It's not their decision!
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